Brand Identity and Corporate Behaviour

Ongun Akay ©
Online Advertising Academy
6 min readMar 12, 2016


Computer, in terms of the opportunities provided to people, probably has been one of the most important tools which are discovered so far. So that, by seeing many technical and mental process can be uploaded to a computer and these processes can take place in a very short time via computer, people are seeking ways to take full advantage of this tool.

Computer is in the place of a tool used by the artist. The potential powerand technique of computer reveals a brand new tool for creativity. This is aneffective tool with whom the artist will be in a new level of interaction, can get rid of the physical limitations of other tools.

2.Identity Concept

2.1. Individual Identity

Today, individual identity is valued by companies and individuals, seen and perceived as an integral part of management. Some people say that how you dress or the non-verbal messages that you send, how you speak and tone of your voice creates your individual identity.

2.2 Brand Identity

Today, organizations producing branded products, comes to the foreground with the identities of their owned brands rather than their self identities.

The bond between consumer and brand consists of identity. The brand identity of the brand will be the springboard for the brand to continue its development in a competitive environment and to provide a profitable growth.

Brand identity is the set of emotional as well as rational reconciliation to a product by a person or group of persons. In other words, it is a collection of thoughts and feelings that product evokes people.

A company’s image is formed entirely on how good this system is. Good, positive, a nice company image is composed with a well established corporate identity.

Brand identity and development of the famous software Windows of MicrosoftCompany

Microsoft changed its company logo for the first time after 25 years later. The new logo, as in the old logo, consists of red, green, yellow and blue colors, but isn’t more curvy, has an exact square appearance with a flat structure.

On Microsoft’s official blog, Jeffrey Meisner making a statement about the new logo, expressed his thoughts on the change of new logo as Microsoft as follows:

“ This wave of new releases is not only a reimagining of our most popular products, but also represents a new era for Microsoft, so our logo should evolve to visually accentuate this new beginning. “

2.3. Visiual Expression

A company’s name, logo, all the colors used in work, shapes, designshould be compatible with each other. Whether the company is small or big for an effective identity program a well designed symbol is master key.

2.4. Aims of Corporate Identity

Corporate identity can contain inward and outward targets. The determination of aims which company wants to achieve is possible with regular wide range of research and analysis of environment.

2.5. Corporate Image

Corporate image, is the result of corporate identity impacts on employees, the public on the target group.

2.6. Corporate Behaviour

Corporate behavior, constitutes the most important and most effective tool of corporate identity. Corporate behavior, is seen as behavior of organization against third parties.

2.7. Corporate Design

Among the elements of the corporate design brand, fonts and typography, color, architectural design and some special measures tooks place. Institutions by referring to this visual expressions, images are separated from their competitors in its market and remains in the minds of their target audience.

Corporate design of the company Apple and it’s development up to present time

According to Steve Jobs; the name Apple came up under the themes “fun and exciting”. Steve Jobs who was on fruit diet has embraced this idea on his way back from the farm.

First logo illustrating Sir Issiac Newton’s sitting under an apple tree is designed by Ron Mayne. Edited by Rob Janoff, later in the process a part is taken out of the new logo and apple covered with rainbow colors is displayed. Rob Janoff offers the logo desing which he was preparing in one color to Jobs. A bite image was continued to be used in the logo in order not to be confused with cherry. Logo is still used in its final form.

A distinctive feature imparted to products, generates the product, and thereby the producer company, inducement of preference and differentiation of its competitors.

Communication design is the design of an organization’s allcommunication tools. The purpose of communication design is to get in visualand written communication with the target audience and thereby to establish a recognition, rememberence and preference.

Eco-design contributes to increasing productivity in an organization. A well-organized environment in the work increases motivation and self-confidence of employees. As for customers and visitors, well organized environment can contribute positively to the image of that company.

2.8. Corporate Communication

Corporate communications, is a corporate identity translated intocommunication application. Corporate communications transmit effectiveness of corporate behavior in all market areas. Corporate communication, in order to be successful in the marketplace takes advantage of the tools such as advertising, public relations, sales promotion, market and public opinion research, the staff communication.

Corporate communication, to be successful, must precisely define thetarget audience. As well as the target audience, it is also essential to determine the corporate fundamentals. Corporate foundations must have been expressed as written and must be open to everyone. The behavior and decision principles must have been determined.

Pepsi is one of the companies who simplifies its corporate communication day by day.

In 1905, with renewed logo design after the original design in 1898,Pepsi’s brand vision had changed again. Currently, Pepsi began a major change operation. In renewed logo while blue and white corporate colors are kept as unchanged, the middle white band is thought as an expression of a form of smile. This major change is not only the logo and typography change, but also means that packaging and signage are going to change. That’s why this change costPepsi, a total price of 1.2 billion dollars.

3. Conclusion

3.1. Corporate Brand Communications and Corporate Design in terms of Graphic Design

Graphic arts, is all kinds of designs created by using a combination of text with “drawing, painting, visual elements,” to convey a message, in order to promote a product or service.

Graphic design in terms of the corporate design being one of the elements of corporate identity, is an art of visual communication. The most important function of graphic design is, to convey a message, to introduce a product or service. Graphic designer, is responsible for the design of read and observed images. Posters, books, information and warning signs, brochures and so on are also within the field of graphic design activity. The purposes of graphic design is to take both communication and aesthetic to the highest level of quality. Graphic designers are responsible of all kinds of corporate brand communication tools. For example, while doing a corporate website design for a company to choose the best fonts, colors , images and slogans which integrates with the company is the duty of graphic designers. Or when informing a branch or campaign discount with a new brochure of the company to target audience, graphic designers should still express the corporate image in the design, motto in the brochure, the fonts, the colors.

As a result, in our age where the corporate competition is too big and distinguishing quality between is too hard, the graphic designer who blends artand technology by using them at its best, perpetuates institution’s competition by moving company’s image to higher levels and becomes an indispensable part of company.

Ongun Akay
Digital Marketing Consultant



Ongun Akay ©
Online Advertising Academy

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