Let’s debunk online course myths and assumptions

Online courses at Leeds
Online Courses at Leeds
3 min readMay 10, 2023

Are you thinking of taking an online course but need some persuasion? Explore four of the most common assumptions around online courses and discover how online learning can support you.

Image taken from unsplash — Image of a woman with a laptop in a cafe

Online courses have become extremely popular over recent years, and why wouldn’t they? Having the opportunity to learn from the comfort of your own home and in your own time is convenient for many. Despite the opportunities online learning offers there’s still some bad rep around online courses. Here we challenge the top four myths that give online courses a bad reputation.

  1. There are no opportunities to interact with other learners

The most common myth is that there are no opportunities to interact with other learners taking the same course. In fact, most, if not all online courses, have discussion forums where you are encouraged to introduce yourself and engage with others.

The University of Leeds online courses on FutureLearn, for example, put social learning at the centre of the learning experience, giving learners the opportunity to use the comments section to share reasons for joining the course, have discussions with others and follow people with similar interests to you! A bit like Facebook!

2. The quality of an online course is poor compared to face-to-face learning

‘Why bother taking an online course, you’ll probably be paying just to read about a topic you could have easily just googled for yourself, for free, right?’

Wrong! Online courses are created to ensure a valuable experience that is worthwhile both academically and professionally.

Our online courses are led by top University of Leeds academics and are masterfully designed by a team of digital experts who help to bring them to life!

Expect innovative interactivity embedded in each course, including video lessons, surveys, tests, polls and exercises. And if that wasn’t enough to quench your thirst for knowledge, we provide you with additional reading and study resources that you can check out in your own time!

3. Online courses aren’t very challenging

‘Surely it can’t be that hard to complete a short online course?’

Well, nobody said it would be easy! Most of our short online courses require around three to five hours a week to complete the tasks. You’ll also be expected to plan around any work or life commitments you may have. But don’t let that put you off! If you struggle with managing your time our ‘Skills to Succeed at University’ course has useful tips to help you improve your time management skills.

4. Most people don’t finish an online course

While it may be true that people often enrol on an online course with good intentions, some will drop off after the first week. But this isn’t always the case. Our courses are designed to keep you engaged till the very end. You also get reminder emails, as life can be busy and sometimes we forget. We’re only human, right?

Choose a course that interests you and teaches you a new skill. That way you’ll return each week with fresh enthusiasm! Stay motivated by implementing our top tips for completing an online course and you will be sure to sail through your online course with ease.

Have we changed your mind about online courses? If so, browse our full collection of short online courses and pick the course for you!

Explore our online courses on FutureLearn here.

Leeds students can access these courses for free from the University of Leeds FutureLearn Campus.

Explore the University’s fully online learning offer on our website.

Read more about the tips and tools for social learning.

