Easy, Cute, and Romantic Ways to Ask a Girl Out over Text and Get a Date

Adam Cohen
Online Dating Adviser
7 min readJun 16, 2024
how to ask a girl out over text

Your heart is pounding, your palms are sweating, and your mouth is dry as a desert — all because you’re finally ready to ask a girl to the prom. Whether that went well or not, most guys feel awkward and uncomfortable asking women out even decades after graduating high school. But it doesn’t have to be such a big deal! Let me share how to ask a girl to dinner over text with examples for real-life and online dating scenes.

How to Ask a Girl Out on a Date

Psychologists suggest that getting a rejection from a woman is just as painful as stubbing your toe, if not more. Besides, it can be painfully awkward, especially if you don’t know how to ask a girl if she’s single. Luckily, online dating platforms make things easier, as most users are clear about their relationship status and expectations. So if you haven’t found a partner for a potential relationship yet, you could benefit from using Zoosk or Elite Singles, as well as my advice on what to say to ask a girl out over text or instant messenger.

Ways to Ask a Girl Out over Text

If you’ve done preliminary work and got her phone number, you’re probably wondering how to ask a girl out over text. Your message should be direct and confident, like this:

  • You wouldn’t believe what happened to me today. Let’s get together tomorrow, and I’ll tell you all about it.
  • Pizza or burgers? I know the best place in town, and I’ll let you in on the secret if you come with me on Saturday.
  • What was your best first date? Will you let me try and beat it?
  • Remember that movie/book/band we talked about? So I saw it in a theater/book signing/town this week. Want to keep me company?
  • My boss is angry because I keep getting distracted thinking of you. Want to make it up to me this weekend?

Notice that every text conversation above comes with specific one on one date ideas, full words, and proper grammar. You can be more casual in your conversations and skip periods at the end of the sentences, though other punctuation marks wouldn’t go amiss. By the way, the same rules of message exchange apply to online dating sites, like FriendFinder and Cupid.com, which make interpersonal communication even easier than texting.

How to Ask a Girl Out in Person

If you’d rather not use a text message to get dates and prefer the classic face-to-face approach, here are a few pointers to help you along:

Watch her body language

A smile, a relaxed pose, and a slight leaning toward you when you face each other are all signs of potential interest. But if the girl remains tense, avoids eye contact, and crosses her arms, you’re probably making her uncomfortable.

Read the room

If you can’t come up with a clever (not cheesy) opening, comment on what you see around you or ask a question. For example, if you meet in a coffee shop line, ask what she will order or what’s good there.

Come up with a first-date idea

Public places are best, so it can be as simple as a return to the same coffee shop you meet in, a walk in the park, or a trip to the minigolf course.

Accept rejection gracefully

If you notice her responses are clipped and her body language is guarded, asking a girl out may not be the best idea. And if you do and receive a rejection, don’t show it bothers you and wrap up the conversation smoothly.

If you keep these simple guidelines in mind, your chances of scoring dates will be much higher when you practice what you know about how to ask a girl to hang out.

Cute Ways to Ask a Girl Out

If you aren’t too bothered with the traditional take on how to properly ask a girl out, consider using one of these cute ways that have a high probability of success if you play your cards right:

  • Use astrology. Many girls believe in horoscopes, so even if you don’t, you can always find a website that predicts she’s having a romantic meeting with a stranger, hinting that you are that stranger.
  • Stop on a cliffhanger. TV shows are addictive for a reason, and they always leave you craving a resolution to the story. So tell the girl a funny story, but stop right before the punchline and promise to tell her the rest on a date.
  • Dare her into a date. If she tells you a story, you can playfully pretend not to believe her and dare the girl to repeat the feat, whether it’s a burger-eating contest or an all-night movie marathon.

Even if you receive a negative response to one of these invitations, you can be sure she’ll remember you for a long time.

Creative Ways to Ask Someone Out

There are more creative ways to get a date than I can count, so here are just a few ideas to help you get inspired:

  • Say she reminds you of someone famous. It can be an actress or a model, and even if they don’t look too alike, most girls will be flattered by such an indirect compliment. Ideally, you want to tie it to your first date idea. For example, say she reminds you of an actress starring in an upcoming movie, and invite her to watch it together.
  • Offer to teach her something. Or you can let her teach you a skill. It can be anything from crocheting to playing video games or cooking a fancy meal. Remember that most girls feel uncomfortable meeting in a private setting for the first date, so pick an activity you can teach each other in public.
  • Play a game of hangman. The benefit of this option is that you can use it for offline and online dating, though you’ll need pen and paper for the former and a bit of research for the latter. You can use the word “Date” or a full phrase like “Want to go out?”

The best creative ways to ask a girl out should be tailored to your mutual interests and what you already know about her, so feel free to adjust the methods above to your potential date.

When to Ask a Girl Out

There are no rules concerning the perfect time to use all your newfound knowledge on how to ask a girl out on a date. Some say ten to fifteen text messages are enough to gauge if she’s interested, foster a connection, and arrange the first date. Others believe that it’s too long and the girl may lose interest, so five or six messages can be enough.

Ultimately, only you can assess whether she’s single, interested, and open to a date. If she gives direct answers, initiates conversations, and asks questions in return, you’re probably in a good place to ask her out. But if she repeatedly ignores your messages or gives one-word answers, you should either up your flirting game or consider another girl. After all, there are many excellent dating apps and sites, like WannaHookUp and SilverSingles, with great live chat functionality that will let you learn all the details about your potential partner before asking her on a proper date.

Expert’s Opinion

“The best tips on how to ask a girl on a date over text work for AdultFriendFinder and One-Night Stand, too. So many users waste the precious first impression on default messages and inane questions, yet they bemoan the lack of responses from potential partners. To improve your response rate, take the time to study girls’ profiles and tailor your first message to their interests. The basic structure can be the same, like an open-ended question, but the context should be customized to gain more attention to show you’re truly interested in a date.”


Hopefully, you can try some of the many cute, creative, and reliable ways to ask a girl out over text and in person I shared, and let me know how they worked for you. And remember, it’s just a date offer, so be authentic and enjoy yourself.


How To Get Any Girl To Date You?

Even a winning combination of charming personality, good looks, and solid financial standing won’t win every girl over because they are all unique and have different tastes in men (or women). So the best way to secure dates is to work on your image until women line up to date you.

Should I Ask The Girl If It’s Over?

You should only ask something like that when you’re completely unsure of her reaction to you based on her body language, expression, or responses. If you ask at the wrong time, you can accelerate the disintegration of your date or relationship.

How Long Should You Wait To Ask A Girl Out After Meeting Her?

That depends on the circumstance of your meeting. Typically, you should build rapport and flirt a bit before experimenting with romantic ways to ask a girl out. Depending on your schedule and progress, it can take a few days or weeks.

Should The Girl Ask For A Date?

Some guys believe the best way to ask a girl out is to wait for her to make the first step, but other men prefer to be the active party. It’s up to you to decide which is best for you and your relationship.



Adam Cohen
Online Dating Adviser

Editor on OneBeautifulBride, writer, travel lover. I create the most relevant content that helps single people and couples to build strong relationships.