3 Simple Tips to Speed Up Your Internet

Tyler B.
Online.io Blockchain Technologies
3 min readMay 27, 2019

If you value your time, there’s nothing worse than dealing with a slow internet connection. Videos keep buffering, games keep getting lagged and calls with your relatives or co-workers keep dropping out.

What can you do? Either you wait for things to load properly and grow a beard in the process, or you follow our tips to speed up your internet. Which one will it be?

Tip #1: Check Your Router

This first tip might come as predictable, but you would be surprised at how many people don’t really think about the location of their router in relation to their computers.

Walls, doors and other barriers might get in the way of a strong wireless signal. On the other hand, placing your router at a low height can also compromise its performance. You should elevate its position as much as you can and keep it away from interferences. That way your router will be able to broadcast the signal further than before.

Remember that your Wi-Fi connection gets transmitted in 360 degrees, which means that you should position your router near the center of your house and as close to your devices as possible for higher performance.

Tip #2: Block Ads and Malware

If your router is not the issue, then maybe your problems come from inside the web. Online advertisements fill your bandwidth with animations and videos that slow down your connection. Plus, you have to go through the effort of watching some unskippable ads in order to access your favorite content.

Another threat to your browsing experience is hidden malware that may be running on your computer. Viruses can reduce your processing power without you ever noticing, so stay away from questionable websites that could compromise your security.

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Tip #3: Optimize Your Web

What happens if you can’t alter the internet speed because you’re using Wi-Fi from a coffee shop or you are stuck in a plane? Well, you can still optimize your web for a slower connection. Change your browser to a lighter version that will save your data. For example, you can try Opera Mini or go for features like Chrome’s Lite Mode.

If you have to do some work under these circumstances, I advise you to prioritize your tasks the right way. Separate each task according to how much bandwidth they take. Basically, get the lighter tasks done first if your connection is a bit slower than usual and save the heavy tasks for later when you go back to your regular connection.

Remember that some internet applications like Google Docs also come with offline modes, so you can always make the change if your internet speed is not up to par.

Speed Up!

We hope that you found these tips helpful and use the advice in times of despair. We all know how dreadful it is to feel like your internet is run by a team of sluggish snails.

But, with a few changes, you can speed up your browsing experience and make the most of your time when you’re online.

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