How to stop digital snoops from tracking you?

Bojana Milosevic Blockchain Technologies
3 min readMay 23, 2018

Lately, with everything that has been going on, after the Facebook incidents, all of us became aware of the fact that we are exposed all the time. This topic was discussed many times by the people around me. Every single one of us have it’s right to privacy, it’s something they cannot take from us, at least legally.

Google knows where you are most of the time too, but at least it lets you turn off location tracking, and to delete your history. The company also ostensibly uses the information to help Google Maps, search, and other services that benefit consumers to some degree.

Do you feel safe on Internet?

The internet has changed our lives in countless positive ways, but it has a dark side. Personal privacy has been lost, leaving you at risk from shady individuals, companies and security agencies.

Every time you share your location on internet, you become exposed. You just lose your right to privacy and you are trackable from that moment on.

Next to already mentioned Facebook, all four major US carriers sell location data to companies you’ve never heard of, without your explicit permission. And this is becoming a trend, getting more and more popular.

In a twist of irony, Cambridge Analytica — which worked on Donald Trump’s digital campaign strategy and was the subject of scandal for Facebook — had been quietly working on its own virtual currency designed for an initial coin offering, or ICO to sell back your personal data.

| Interesting facts |

Trackers are everywhere with more than 70% of apps being connected to at least a tracker. According to surveys on this topic, the majority of users are aware their data is being collected. Also most internet users around the world would select a do-not-track feature if they could easily do so

Cyber security market

Along with good things, the internet is known for viruses, identity theft, hacking and many other drawbacks. With hacks, scams and malware, the Internet can be a dangerous place for all of our Internet-connected appliances. The cyber attackers are trying to gather valuable and sensitive data like intellectual property, personal information, health records, financial data, by gaining data access through the use of advanced ransomware techniques

| Interesting Facts |

Statistically, the cyber security market is valued in 2016 at over USD 120 billion, being estimated to surpass USD 200 million by 2021.

Only in 2017, more that 978 million adults in 20 countries globally were exposed to cyber security attacks. Financially wise it is estimated that those who were the victims of cybercrime globally lost over USD 170 billion.

In the future, the cybersecurity market value is expected to increase exponentially driven by the cybercrimes. According to a vulnerability assessment, 76% of the websites were found to have vulnerabilities that can by exploited by cyber-attacks.

No individual consumer has any power to do anything about it. And where in the system does the solution come from? ALAN BUTLER

Online tracking and behavioral profiling is a serious problem, as it is being used more and more. Very sensitive information are often collected and there are not many ways to stop it. We had this in mind, and for ours and yours sake, we tried to figure out what a solution for this can be. Our solution incorporates a tracking script blocker that will severely disrupt the ability to continue tracking in real-time the user’s activity. offers an enhanced protection of consumer data first off due to added security of Blockchain technology which will eliminate demographic and behavioral profiling from being collected and used without prior consent. As internet users are able to rate each website according to their experience, this will lead to the creation of a ranking of trustworthy websites.

It is better to be safe than sorry.

Stay safe! Use!

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Bojana Milosevic Blockchain Technologies

Marketing specialist in Tech world and for several ICO's by providing strategic business consulting, brand management, and marketing strategy