has been released on Chrome and Firefox along with our New Website!

Tyler B. Blockchain Technologies
3 min readDec 21, 2018

The Holiday Season is almost here and we couldn’t be more happy to share a few special announcements as a gift to our community.

You may have heard some of this news already, but in case you haven’t, here’s a quick recap of everything that happened with Online in these past few weeks.

A New Website for a New Year of Online!

Discover our Website’s Fresh New Look!

First up, we have released a brand new website and it’s looking more alive than ever.

The future of internet freedom has started! Our alien team is celebrating that Online has finally arrived to major browsers, so you can explore through all of our features and see all of our live exchanges in the same place.

Make sure to give our new website a visit and tell us what you think!

➡️ Our Website:

Chrome and Firefox Extensions are Finally Here!

Internet Protection at its Finest!

If you want to try out for the first time, you finally can! Our beta version is already available for both Chrome and Firefox, and more browsers are coming on the way!

We wanted to release our solution before the end of the year so everyone can have a little taste of what’s about to come next.

As of now, you can use our solution to block ads, malware and tracking software. These are the 3 most common threats that get in the way of enjoying our favorite online content.

How would the internet feel without ads?

Much faster and reliable, if you ask me. Online gets rid of them for good, and we mean all kinds of ads: video ads, rich media advertising, unwanted pop-ups, banners, and text ads. I’m sure we can all live without knowing which local ladies are near our area.

How would the internet feel without malware?

More secure, of course. You would be able to browse without fear of bumping into dangerous websites that threaten your private data. Online double checks that your computer is safe at all times.

How would the internet feel without trackers?

Less invasive, as you get to recover your online privacy. Our solution will give advertisers a hard time to track you. We block trackers, third-party cookies, rotate user-agents and clear your browser cache if needed.

And that won’t be all. Our upcoming features will let you access blocked content using the biggest decentralized p2p network in the world.

What are you waiting for? Choose your browser and try our beta version right now:

➡️ Google Chrome:

➡️ Mozilla Firefox:

Let’s get ready to say goodbye to 2018 and welcome a new year of Online achievements that will make the internet a better place.

Want to know more about us?

🔥 Check out our Website for updates!

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