Brainstorming a better Reading Dashboard has a good amount of code written in the backend but the frontend user-interface has lacked much love. Being not a UI guy, my approach is more towards building a better UX.

Here is the dashboard that I am planning for the next version of REWQ. I am trying to get an early feedback and some core users. You can reach me at navalnovel at or in the comments section here.

The empty screen - Reading dashboard when user creates a new topic and there are no links.

An Empty Screen

Here are some explanations of the above screen.

  • Every topic you create will have such a dashboard as above.
  • The left pane is your reading list; on the top is your active reading list.
  • Recent activity is what you have recently read.
  • Top tags are a way to find what you are interested in reading now — given you have added a lot of links.
  • Braintrust is a personal group, notified when you review links or add something you authored.

Next user adds some data — say the first link and the screen now evolves to by a bit.

See the link is added in your next pick and top tags also has a tag extracted from within the link.

Here is how a dashboard of a power user would look like.

Many links in reading area and People in braintrust

If you would like to be a core user of or just want to share your problems with reading/learning online, please drop me a mail to .



Naval Saini
Naval’s Products, Engineering and Startups Blog

Hacker and into fitness and adventure. Leads a simple life and does not try to fit in too much. :-)