The Importance of Companies that do Small Business Internet Marketing

Helping Businesses in Your Own Back Yard

My Online Marketing Blog


Internet marketing has become the way to market, advertise, and brand build. The internet is a resource most of us use daily and we learn about any product or service we may want or need from using the internet. This has opened up an entirely new market that previous to the era of daily internet use did not exist: Online Marketing. Businesses are constantly popping up all over talking about SEO (search engine optimization), Social media, and Google Analytics. They show you their ROI model, proving the service is worth something. But, who are these marketing companies targeting? The money makers; the businesses with ten or twenty thousand dollars in in their budget that they can shell out to marketing.

Don’t get me wrong, it’s not a bad thing. Internet marketing works, that’s where there are so many businesses that offer it and so many people who are willing to pay for it. But, who is doing the Small Business Internet Marketing? Who are the companies that are taking on local clients and helping one-store businesses get off the ground and become more well known? There are a few, and our company happens to be one of them. We aren’t the only one and that’s important.

The reason it’s so important for small business internet marketing to continue is this: Prior to the invention of this thing called Internet Marketing businesses relied on word of mouth and regular advertisements like the ones you see on TV, in magazines, and on Billboards. Of course, larger companies still got more business and made more money, but the privately owned places still had word of mouth and traditional marketing on their side. Today, with word of mouth and traditional marketing practically a thing of the past, what would happen to these small businesses if only the large companies were involved in the internet marketing scene? They’d eventually vanish.

Small business internet marketing is so important because it gives those individuals who worked hard to open and maintain their own businesses a fighting chance in the digitally dominated age. If you Google “Good breakfast food” it’s important that your local diner run by Mr. and Mrs. been-in-the-business forever comes up in your results. It’s important that the internet, like word of mouth once did, still provides you with the option to give these places your business. And, if you don’t, that’s okay too. It’s the fact that you had the option that matters.

One day internet marketing may be the only way a business has to get their name or brand out to the public. If those companies that do small business internet marketing aren’t around then, we’ll be stuck with the big corporations and chains but nothing more; nothing smaller and more personal.

