Marketing for Marketers

Do marketing companies follow their own rules?

My Online Marketing Blog


Marketing companies spend their time helping other businesses grow. They can get you more leads, help your rankings on Google, and drive more traffic to your websites. We think of marketing companies as business gurus. With all the ability they have to help other businesses grow and thrive, one thing many marketing companies forget to do sometimes is take their own advice.

Marketing is a business like any other, and what better way for a marketing company to expand their business than do all the things they tell their clients to do? Surprisingly, many of them don’t realize that this is exactly what they should be doing.

So how do you implement your own strategies on yourself or your company? Take a look at it from a different perspective. Look at your situation as if you were going over a client’s file and not contemplating your own business. What advice would you give them? What services would you recommend to them?

Sometimes going back to basics can help a process like this move along smoother. I’d suggest going through a simple marketing checklist and applying it to your company. You can find a thorough and effective marketing checklist here.

You need to remember that just because you’re a marketing company doesn’t mean the rules don’t apply to you. You need new leads, more customers, and growth in business just like the companies you work with. Don’t forget that everything you tell them is the same for you.

Start applying the same strategies you sell to your own business. Optimize your website, track calls and ad clicks, run ad campaigns, create premium content for things like landing pages, have effective calls-to-action on all of your websites and blogs. Once you start following your own rules, you’d be surprised at how fast your business will pick up.

