5 Real-life Skills Gained Through Online High School Education

Chris James
Online Schooling
Published in
5 min readJan 10, 2019

Online high school education can do more for students than a brick-and-mortar arrangement. This is because the former tends to develop a bunch of life-skills in the child. Of course, these skills are not developed right on day one, but eventually, the child’s personality shines as he completes his virtual course.

Here are the top 5 real-life skills gained through online high school education:

Makes you aware of time management

The topmost traditional high schools have a lot of rigidity. They direct their students when to arrive, which class to attend at what time when to take a break and so on. Online high school students have the liberty to come up with their own schedule to suit their respective lifestyle. This way they do not waste time traveling back and forth to school or getting distracted elsewhere. In fact, they learn how to organize time smartly.

Flexibility in time management can make students punctual and highly organized all at the same time. The student actually gets the time to indulge in extracurricular activities that interest them. This very fact also makes online study a superior alternative for students who require flexibility due to an unusual work schedule or any other form of obligation. It is a fact that self-direction is the first step in learning to be a leader. Online classes facilitate every student to transform into a responsible adult.

With this high level of flexibility, online students can get a good deal of self-assurance. This helps online students to get more adaptable by nature. Thus, they find it easier or less challenging to cope up with the new college environment or the workforce environment.

Helps you to think critically

The online high school encourages students to make many decisions. This instills decision-making skills in them. They gain an ability to consider options intelligently. They find it easier to choose the right path and eventually handle matters wisely in their day-to-day lives.

The traditional school students often lack thinking skills. This is because most of the learning is spoon-fed by the teachers almost. There is a lot of opportunities for online students to explore the answers to various questions on their own. Online students need to make qualitative evaluations of the information they are seeking to help them with their understanding.

This freedom needs a good deal of patience. Online students ought to develop the skill to investigate the reliability of their sources.

Students need to contact the teacher when they need help with the material. Students need to make choices in what to study, how to study it, figuring out the meaning of the material on their own etc.

Helps you to be accountable

When you study online, it helps you to set your own pace and stick to it as well. Since you have this awesome liberty, it is your responsibility to complete the work without a parent giving you a push.

Employers usually hire college graduates because they have the ability to stick with something and maintain consistency in it. An online high school education ensures students graduate with the skills to do well in college or as they start a career. Thus, online students are always one step ahead of their traditional counterparts.

Since the students need to take responsibility and persevere, they change internally as the course proceeds. They accomplish things because they want to in genuine terms.

Helps you to keep the drive alive

Online schools make sure to instill values such as self-motivation in you. When you are motivated on your own, there is no stopping you, right? In the online environment, you learn to make deadlines on your own. Programs nurture self-motivation by setting deadlines for all assignments. In the case of online learning, you have it in your mind that no “live” teacher is there to remind you or poke you to make you submit your weekly assignments on time. You need to do it on your own, else you lag behind and you fail to achieve your daily or weekly goals. Thus, you develop a sense of conscience that you are the rescue for yourself! This keeps you motivated and you focus unwavering on your online course work.

It is important for online students to set deadlines for themselves to accomplish the goals set out by each course. Usually, the student gets the whole assignment schedule up from the very beginning. Then, it is up to the student to adhere to it for the rest of the semester. This forms self-motivated and efficient workers after completion of the online high school course.

Instills the right family values in you

Online school courses give their students the freedom to spend their quality time with their parents and other families. Thus, online students tend to be closer to their family members. They form genuine bonds with every member of their family usually.

In a traditional school setting, students need to adhere to the generalized schedule. They might have to miss crucial family events in order to attend important classes. Thus, most of them tend to prioritize their studies and second comes the family. However, online schools do not require students to miss classes to address their close relatives or family members. They can very well juggle family responsibilities with their online course work. Thus, the child can actually enjoy the best of both worlds.

In case a child misses a specific lesson or class, he can just resume it later once he is done with his non-academic work. Thus, he does not develop the habit of choosing studies or career over family. They learn how to maintain a good balance between both. This is why online students tend to be more mature and responsible in every way as compared to the traditional school students.

When students reach middle and high school age, they need to learn to manage their own time. Since online classes promote these skills wisely, online high school education can produce young sensible adults who are not only well-educated but are personally trained to face the workforce environment with the utmost vigor.



Chris James
Online Schooling

I am a homeschooling blogger. I love to write about educational technology and in fact online learning.