Why Online High School is Fun?

Chris James
Online Schooling
Published in
3 min readAug 14, 2019

From an overall perspective, online high schools are not that different from traditional high schools. It can be stated that the quality of an online high school curriculum delivered is of the same standards as that of a traditional high school. Proper access is provided to teachers in an online environment as well. However, the approach is different here.

With online learning systems, the mode of delivery differs quite a lot from traditional schooling environments. In a virtual environment, the process of learning is completely online. This makes varying the pace of learning a lot easier and flexible. Also, it gets a lot more enjoyable for the students. Teachers are given access to all of their students but in a much more efficient manner.

One-on-one attention
The concept of one-on-one focus is the main feature here. Every student is treated equally and is given individualized care in order to cater to all of his academic as well as non-academic needs that might impact his academics. Teachers are able to interact with the student individually. They can then assess their specific needs. In the case of traditional environments, teachers are required to establish a single pace of learning in order to suffice the average educational needs of the entire class. This is where online high school scores.

Teacher-to-student ratio
Online school education has also brought down the teacher-to-student ratio. This has benefited the students to a large extent. It has also improved the quality of education delivered. Also, it has helped teachers improve the effectiveness of their teaching abilities. Thus, it has turned out to be a win-win situation.

One of the best features of online learning is that the curriculum can be customized as per the student needs. Every student is different and so are his needs. Online high school courses have highly increased the reach of education with web-based platforms making inroads in rural districts and in foreign countries as well.

Fun-filled activities
One of the most important factors is that online high school can be fun as well as educative for the kids, no matter what age-group he belongs to! They can get lessons in video, audio, pictorial and many other formats. Most of the curriculum include numerous fun-filled activities to keep the child engaged and to help him retain the info for a longer period of time.

Also, online students can get your studies done in fewer hours per day. Thus, he gets ample time to engage in co-curricular activities, to spend quality time with family, to work on his special skills or interests, etc.

It is a fact that many teens find that interacting and learning online is much more enjoyable than sitting in a classroom. They also appreciate that nobody is poking or judging them while they are trying to ask silly questions to their teachers! They do not have to wake up one or two hours early in the mornings to attend school. They do not have to wear any boring uniform either!



Chris James
Online Schooling

I am a homeschooling blogger. I love to write about educational technology and in fact online learning.