Why We Love Video Platform As A Service (And You Should, Too!)

Stian Hauge
Online Video
Published in
4 min readFeb 6, 2017

So first of all, what is Platform As A Service (PaaS) ?

Platform as a Service (PaaS) is one of three service models of cloud computing, alongside Software as a Service (SaaS) and Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS). As with all cloud computing services it provides access to resources in a virtualized environment, “the Cloud”, allowing customers to develop, run and manage applications without the complexity of building and maintaining the infrastructure. (Here is a brilliant article if you want to read more about IaaS vs PaaS vs Saas).

Platform as a Service, often simply referred to as PaaS, is a category of cloud computing that provides a platform and environment to allow developers to build applications and services over the internet. PaaS services are hosted in the cloud and accessed by users simply via their web browser. It’s really all about the automation, and simplifying a set of otherwise complex infrastructure components. Services like Heroku, Google App Engine, Red Hat OpenShift, Cloud Foundry etc. are all good examples of PaaS providers.

Software developers, web developers and businesses can benefit from PaaS. Whether building an application which they are planning to offer over the internet or software to be sold out of the box, software developers may take advantage of a PaaS solution. A great example of a true PaaS company is Heroku. A platform that provides a blazing fast way to get your application up by using a combination of modern services, open source tools and third party add-ons. You are able to innovate quickly, and scale precisely to meet demands — allowing you to solely focus on building great apps.

So, let’s talk about Video, and how Video Platform As A Service (VPaaS) can help you get up to speed and join the upcoming video revolution. There is an explosion of video content being created (AR, VR, Body cameras). By 2019, video content will be the driving factor behind 85% of search traffic in the US. Video used for marketing purposes are leading the race, but if you have a broader perspective you could see many exciting use cases utilizing the power of video. Collecting and systemizing mobile content for production companies, using video to simplify heavy documentation processes, video with image recognition to identify objects and organize all of the content that is being created. All these use cases need a solid infrastructure that can deliver on the basic video capabilities and also prepare you for the disruptive future ahead.

Why Video Platform As A Service, and how will it be beneficial for you?

Here are five important reasons you should take a closer look at VPaaS solutions.

  • Speed; Build and rapidly deploy any video application, workflow or services. Organizations and developers can quickly add video capabilities and easily integrate video as a native solution, either in existing workflows or while creating new ones.
  • Ease of use; With some PaaS offerings anyone can develop an application or test functionalities. They can simply do this through their web browser utilising one-click functionality, which makes development possible for ‘non-experts’. Here is an example
  • Flexibility; Customers can have control over the tools that are installed within their platforms and can create a platform that suits their specific requirements. They can ‘pick and choose’ the features they feel are necessary.
  • Integrations; Too many choices aren’t always a good thing. Most systems integrate key resources to work seamlessly, and plugins built on top are tightly coupled and validated.
  • Adaptability ; Features can be changed if circumstances dictate that they should. You will be able to adapt and implement new technology and solutions, which are emerging at an accelerating pace. Functionalities such as machine learning, transcribing audio to text and image recognition are just a few amazing services that could enrich your offering.

With video as a service you are able to adapt quickly and take advantage of these benefits, in new or existing workflows. There are several interesting use cases regarding the use of video, that will drive digital transformation and innovation, both for traditional enterprises and startup companies.

We at SYNQ are trying our best to take a developer-centric approach and provide a simple to use and extensive Video API, which will deliver an infrastructure for implementing video capabilities. We hope you enjoyed this article and see all the benefits of using VPaaS solutions. If so, we are convinced that you will love Video Platform As A Service, as much as we do!










Originally published at blog.synq.fm.

