11 Phrases We Owe to Shakespeare and Help Us Talk About Our Feelings and Experiences
Knock, knock. Who’s there?
I recently talked with a German professor about how amazing Shakespeare was.
He made up lots of literary words and phrases that we still use today.
Let’s look at 11 famous phrases he created.
These phrases help us talk about our feelings and experiences as writers:
1 — Love is blind
From “The Merchant of Venice”: “love is blind and lovers cannot see the pretty follies that themselves commit”
2 — All the world’s a stage
From “As You Like It.” It means life is like a play. We all have different roles.
3 — To be or not to be
From “Hamlet.” It asks if it’s better to live or not. It’s about tough choices.
4 — A rose by any other name
From “Romeo and Juliet.” It means names don’t change what things are. A rose is still a rose, no matter what it’s called.