From Amateur to Pro — Guidance from Top Writer Ayo

They like you. They hate you. There’s no money in the middle.

Kristina God, MBA
Online Writing and Blogging Made Easy


photo credit: kristina God with Ayo on Zoom with tech assistant Patrick God and our baby girla and sunshine manager

A few minutes ago, I had the pleasure of hosting an interview with top Medium writer Ayodeji Awosika (100k+ followers).

We talked about the journey from being an amateur writer to becoming a professional.

This transition comes with challenges, like prioritizing writing and figuring out how to make money from it.

Medium is unergoing a lot of changes

Ayo and I also discussed the recent changes on Medium.

These changes have impacted how much writers can earn.

Now smaller, newish and indie publishers are the once who earn the money.

It’s not the 80/10 rule anymore where 20% of writers made 80% of the earnings.

In fact, I got this wonderful message from a fellow subscriber and Medium writer Neela just after I hopped off the call with Ayo:




Kristina God, MBA
Online Writing and Blogging Made Easy

Bestselling Substack writer I Marketing Expert I Top Writer I Helps you write, market and monetize your writing.⚡ Sign up: