Goodbye, Substack! “Platformer” Quits and Migrates Newsletter to Ghost — Here’s What You Need To Know

The major tech newsletter “Platformer” is leaving Substack.

Kristina God, MBA
Online Writing and Blogging Made Easy


Photo credit: Ghost website

A few hours ago, Casey Newton, the founder of the popular tech newsletter Platformer, announced the publication’s migration from Substack to Ghost via email.

The WHY, the rationale behind his move, is interesting for every writer who’s writing on Substack or is on the fence about joining the platform.

Since I also received several questions based on the news that Casey is leaving Substack, I wanted to spark a conversation here and talk about his move.

405 likes, 30 comments, and 111 re-stacks also show it’s something you might be thinking about today.

photo credit: Casey Newton on Substack

Let me first give you some background information, based on today’s announcement:

Casey Newston’s beginnings on Substack

Platformer’s journey on Substack began in 2020, with Casey initially contemplating custom-built solutions centered on WordPress.



Kristina God, MBA
Online Writing and Blogging Made Easy

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