How I Write Less and Grow More

In a content creation culture of MORE AND MORE it’s okay to want LESS of MORE.

Kristina God, MBA
Online Writing and Blogging Made Easy


Image by freepik

It’s 11 pm and I’m still sitting in front of my computer screen.

Inside my community I just read the title and skimmed a story by Derek Hughes.

The title of his post: “The Real Reason Your Audience is Not Growing”.

As a writer — of course! — you click this.

It doesn’t tell me anything new.

It’s a reminder to write.

It’s inspiring and encouraging.

“If Derek can do it while working 9–5 so can I” is the feeling you might have when you’re reading it.

He shares:

But here’s the trick. Don’t think yeah I should look at Derek’s intros. I might do that on Saturday. Do it now. It’ll take 10 minutes. Don’t spend 10 minutes thinking about it.

Loved this.

Since my time as a busy part-time solo mompreneur is limited, I spent these 10 minutes Derek is talking about inside my community experience, answering questions.

I help in those 10 minutes others grow.



Kristina God, MBA
Online Writing and Blogging Made Easy

Bestselling Substack writer I Marketing Expert I Top Writer I Helps you write, market and monetize your writing.⚡ Sign up: