Surprise! Get The Medium Kickstarter Guide For Free

It’s a clickable eBook that will boost your success on Medium.

Kristina God, MBA
Online Writing and Blogging Made Easy


Surprise! Get The Medium Kickstarter Guide For Free
The Medium Kickstarter Guide on Gumroad

I’m super excited.

I’m about to reach 8K followers on Medium in a few days.

This is a huge milestone for me.

Creating consistent content on a daily basis is not always easy and it takes time.

Especially as a part-time creator with a toddler in the house, it’s often hard to stay focused and disciplined to build and grow an online business — besides your corporate job.

From my Boot Camps, mentoring, and coaching I know there are so many part-time creators who are trying to figure out the online writing puzzle on Medium.

To save you a lot of time and energy and to make 2023 the year of ACTION, I created an eBook for you.

It’s called:

The Medium Kickstarter Guide.

The best thing: it’s a free resource.

It’s the guide I would have needed two years ago.

Sometimes the scariest thing about starting something new is simply this: you don’t know what you don’t know.



Kristina God, MBA
Online Writing and Blogging Made Easy

Bestselling Substack writer I Marketing Expert I Top Writer I Helps you write, market and monetize your writing.⚡ Sign up: