This Is The Only Way To Make Money On Medium This October

…and forever


photo credit: made with Canva

Oh boy…

There’s one buzzword booming here: manufactured engagement.

It’s nothing new.

It’s simple.

People try to game the system. They see writing online as a game and want to growth-hack their success.

Let me repeat it… that’s nothing new!

This happens on any platform.

And it happened before on Medium.

Back in the day when claps were the key metric here people met on Facebook, shared their Medium stories, and mutually clapped for each other without even reading the content.

Medium was aware of this BEFORE they changed the earnings calculation. Now they EXPERIENCED it… with this reaction:

photo credit: Screenshot comment Tony Stubblebine to the future of AI on Medium

The answer is: rate limiting.

The higher the volume (of engagement), the less authentic the behavior.

Did you know there’s a “Medium comment police”?



Kristina God, MBA
Online Writing and Blogging Made Easy

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