👻You’re Invited! Substack Halloween Collaboration Party

Lineup of rockstar speakers & breaktout sessions to meet new people to collab and grow together

Kristina God
Online Writing and Blogging Made Easy


Kristina God

Do you have an email list or are you thinking about growing your small list?

This is for all smallstackers, people with less than 1000 subscribers (or maybe zero) writing on Substack.

If you’ve been following me for a while you might remember this viral story from January 2024.

389 likes and 348 comments plus 57 re-stacks show how important networking and cooperation opportunities are for you and all “smallstackers” (writers, creators, authors with a small email list) on Substack.

Unfortunately, on Substack it’s not so easy to find someone to collaborate with.

I’d like to help as many writers as possible.

Back then, I created a collaborative spreadsheet called “Smallstack Publications Directory 2024”.

More than 200 publications are on this list. It’s not a sexy Notion list but soon gonna be!

