It’s Time to Prioritize Your Passion for Writing

At the original online school for writers

Rosemary (Tantra) Bensko
4 min readSep 9, 2020


Photo by Victoria Heath on Unsplash

Have you been wishing you could use this time wisely to grow into a new you, with new skills and opportunities? Would you like to have better chances of your imaginary stories or your memoirs showing up in magazines or anthologies, online or in print. That’s a great way to reach the world outside and make readers happy. What about crafting essays or discovering unexpected methods to inspire creativity?

You may be overwhelmed by children at home instead of at school. You may be working double shifts because your spouse’s business went under during the lockdown. You may be watching Netflix alone, wishing for something to bring back that excitement of possibilities.

Who knows if you have time to steal away into your own special place for a few hours a week to do what you’ve always wanted to do? Write a story. Shheee. Maybe. . . maybe even more.

Or collect the stories you’ve written and had published in magazines and submit them.

Or change genres from Literary to Genre fiction to be relevant to a wider audience. Or better understand the differences between what the genres even are? And how they relate to all their subgenres and related genres.

Photo by Sarah Wayte on Unsplash

How to take the manuscript you’ve plotted or drafted and shift it into a more appropriate genre?

Or even just learn by doing to deepen your understanding of books you find delicious or mysterious. Just what do the genres mean and what are the rules? Maybe you’d be intrigued to write in one of them sometime. . .

I’m talking to you — who can be anywhere in the world as long as you have internet.

Photo by Clem Onojeghuo on Unsplash

If you’ve had any of those thoughts, you might want to consider my course, Introduction to Writing Genre Fiction. Learn how to write Thrillers, Horror, Romance, Suspense, Sci Fi, Fantasy and even Literary. Explore the constellation of subgenres and related genres as well. As your instructor, I have a background with hundreds of publications as well as gold, silver and bronze medals for my novels.

The class is just one of many, with many choices available beginning incrementally all year round at, the first writing school on the Internet. This school had vision, beginning back in the day — in 1995! This has been the premier place to go to learn about writing all along, so they’ve had a chance to continually improve for a long time.

Their About section says, “Online classes let us cherry-pick the best teachers — all published, working authors — and bring them to computers across the globe. We’ve taught students working on cruise ships and volunteering for remote non-profits, and even one wintering-over high in the Arctic. As a result, we’ve built a vibrant, international community of writers, from beginners discovering their way to seasoned professionals who want to deepen their work and opportunities.”

How does e-learning work? All writing schools are different. With, each course involves homework with feedback from the teacher. The workshop format allows your peers to comment on your assignments as well. There are no grades, so it’s low pressure, and you’re free to relax into creating stories that didn’t exist before.

Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

There’s a website where you enter your course and read the lectures. You write your assignments on documents that you upload. You download the other students’ assignments and type into them and upload them again. Along with all this you can casually write whatever you want directly into the site. It’s an encouraging atmosphere and productive, helping you create fiction to submit for publication. Some courses use writing as therapy to help you life your life fully.

Classes last up to ten weeks and there are a variety of teachers, many teaching multiple topics from flash fiction to novels, from non-fiction to poetry. Come join us for a vivid, friendly experience that you know you want. Don’t you?



Rosemary (Tantra) Bensko

Gold-medal-winning psychological suspense novelist, writing Instructor, manuscript editor living in Berkeley.