10 Best Article Writing Topics To Give You A Head Start!

Ahmad Shah Adami
Published in
6 min readOct 19, 2022
Best Article Writing Topics To Give You A Head Start!

Article writing is a popular skill these days. People love to share their expertise through articles and it drives traffic to the website you are writing the article on. But what is interesting is how article topics have evolved over time. In this article, I am going to share 10 best article writing topics that will help you get started with your article writing endeavors.

What is an Article?

An article is a piece of writing that is typically published in a magazine or newspaper.

It is often written by an expert on a particular subject and is designed to inform or entertain the reader.

There are many different types of articles, but some of the most common include news articles, feature articles, how-to articles, and opinion articles.

News articles are typically short and provide information on a current event or issue.

Feature articles are longer and often provide in-depth information or analysis on a particular subject.

How-to articles offer step-by-step instructions on how to do something, while opinion articles express the author’s opinion on a given topic.

The Parts of an Article

An article is made up of several different parts, each with its own distinct purpose.

In order to write a successful article, you must understand the role that each part plays in conveying your message.

The headline is the most important part of an article, as it determines whether or not readers will read the rest of the piece.

A good headline should be eye-catching and informative, while also accurately reflecting the content of the article itself.

The lead is the first paragraph of an article, and its purpose is to introduce the topic and engage the reader.

The lead should be concise and clear, without being too wordy or overly complex.

The body is the main section of an article, where all of the relevant information is presented.

The body should be well-organized and structured, with each paragraph flowing smoothly into the next.

The conclusion is the last section of an article, and its purpose is to summarize the main points and leave the reader with a final thought or takeaway message.

The conclusion should be brief but impactful, leaving readers with something to think about long after they finish reading.

Guidelines for Preparing Drafts

Assuming you have already chosen your topic, here are a few tips to help you prepare a draft of your article:

  1. Do some research: Even if you think you know everything there is to know about your topic, it never hurts to do a little bit of extra research. This will help ensure that your article is well-informed and accurate.
  2. Start with an outline: Having a clear outline of what you want to cover in your article will make the writing process much easier. It will also help keep you on track so that you don’t forget any important points.
  3. Write in a clear, concise style: Your readers should be able to understand what you are saying without difficulty. Use short sentences and straightforward language to make your article easy to read.
  4. Edit and proofread your work before publishing it: It is important to catch any errors or typos before putting your article out into the world. Ask a friend or family member to read over your work for another set of eyes, or use spell check and grammar checking tools like Grammarly before hitting the “publish” button.

How to Pick the Best Article Writing Topics

Assuming you have a rough idea of what you want to write about, the best way to come up with article writing topics is to brainstorm a list of potential ideas.

Once you have your list, try to narrow it down to three or four topics that you think would be most beneficial for your audience.

When narrowing down your list, consider what kind of topics would be most popular with your target readership.

You should also think about which topics would be most likely to generate repeat traffic and keep people coming back for more.

Once you have narrowed down your list, it is time to start doing some research.

Try looking for news stories or blog posts that are related to your topic.

This can help give you some ideas for articles that are both timely and relevant.

Finally, don’t forget to consider your own interests and expertise when choosing article writing topics.

While it is important to write content that will be popular with your audience, it is also necessary that you choose topics that you are passionate about.

This way, you will be more likely to produce high-quality content that people will want to read.

Here are a few top article writing topics to write about:

  1. Make Money Online
  2. Business
  3. Finance
  4. Education
  5. Writing
  6. Real Estate
  7. Digital Marketing
  8. Food
  9. Travel
  10. Gardening

Tips on Developing Interesting Articles

When it comes to writing articles, there are a few key things you can do to make sure your content is interesting and engaging.

  1. Write on topics you are passionate about: If you are passionate about the topic you are writing about, it will show in your writing. Your enthusiasm will be contagious and your readers will be more engaged with your content.
  2. Keep your articles concise and to the point: People have shorter attention spans than ever before, so it is important to make sure your articles are easy to read and get straight to the point. Try to keep your paragraphs short and break up your text with subheadings to make it easier for people to scan through.
  3. Use strong headlines that pack a punch: Your headline is what will draw people in (or push them away) so make sure it is catchy and tells the reader what they can expect from your article. Avoid clickbait headlines though — instead, focus on delivering quality content that lives up to the headline promise.
  4. Use images, infographics, and videos: People are visual creatures and tend to engage more with content that includes visuals. If you can break up your text with images, infographics, or even videos, you will hold people’s attention better throughout the article.
  5. Write in an engaging, conversational tone: Your readers should feel like you are talking to them — not lecturing them. Write in a friendly, approachable tone and avoid using jargon or overly technical language.
  6. Use helpful, actionable tips: If you are offering advice or tips in your article, make sure they are helpful and actionable. There is nothing worse than reading an article full of fluff — give your readers something they can use!
  7. Be controversial (within reason): People love to read articles that challenge their beliefs or offer a different perspective on a controversial topic. If you can stir up some healthy debate with your writing, you will definitely engage your readers.
  8. Tell stories: Stories are a powerful way to connect with readers and make your content more memorable. If you can weave a personal anecdote or story into your article, do it!
  9. Use humor (when appropriate): Humor is a great way to engage readers, but it should be used sparingly and only when it is appropriate for the topic at hand. Don’t force it — if you are not naturally funny, it will show in your writing.
  10. Keep it updated: If you are writing about something that is ever-changing, like a news event or new technology, make sure to keep your article updated with the latest information. Nothing turns off readers more than outdated information!

Final Thoughts

These are the 10 best topics to write about. If you want to give yourself a head start on the competition.

These topics are all relevant to current trends and issues, and they are sure to get you noticed by potential readers.

So what are you waiting for? Get writing!

To the best of my knowledge, the information in this piece of article is authentic and genuine, however, there could be errors or mistakes. The content in this article is for informational purposes only and does not substitute for personal counseling or professional advice in legal, financial, or business matters.



Ahmad Shah Adami

CEO/Founder of https://www.onlinetutorials.org that provides free online courses with certificates on daily basis. Learn new skills and improve your knowledge.