How to increase productivity in business?

Ahmad Shah Adami
Published in
5 min readOct 15, 2022
How to increase productivity in business?

Every business wants to be productive. After all, productivity leads to more work getting done which can then lead to more money being made.

But how do you actually increase productivity in business?

It’s not as simple as just telling your employees to work harder or longer hours (although that can help).

There are a number of factors that go into increasing productivity in business, from company culture to the way work is organized and managed.

In this article, we’ll explore some of the ways you can increase productivity in business. Continue Reading…

Defining Productivity

Productivity can be defined as a measure of the efficiency of a person, machine, factory, system in converting inputs into useful outputs.

Productivity is often expressed as a ratio of output to input, or as a percentage increase in output from a given unit of input.

How to increase productivity in business?

There are a number of ways to increase productivity in business.

Some common methods include:

  • Automation: Automating processes can help to speed up production and reduce errors.
  • Process improvement: Reviewing and streamlining processes can help to eliminate waste and make production more efficient.
  • Employee training: Providing employees with training on how to work more efficiently can help to improve their productivity levels.
  • Motivation: Encouraging employees through motivation techniques such as bonus schemes can help to increase their productivity levels.

Why is productivity important?

Productivity is important in business for a variety of reasons. Perhaps most importantly, productivity is a key driver of profitability.

Businesses that are more productive tend to be more profitable, and thus can reinvest in growth and create more jobs.

In addition to profitability, productivity also drives competitiveness. In today’s global economy, businesses must be able to compete on price and quality in order to survive.

Productivity improvements can help businesses keep costs down and produce higher-quality goods and services.

Productivity is important for societal well-being.

Economic growth depends on productivity gains, which in turn lead to higher living standards and improved social welfare.

Therefore, policies that promote productivity growth are essential for ensuring economic prosperity and social progress.

Set and review goals regularly

It is no secret that goal setting is a key component of success in any area of life.

When it comes to productivity in business, setting and reviewing goals on a regular basis is an essential part of ensuring that you and your team are as productive as possible.

There are a few things to keep in mind when setting goals for business productivity:

  1. Make sure that the goals are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART).
  2. It’s important that the whole team is involved in setting goals because this ensures everyone is committed and aware of what needs to be accomplished.
  3. Don’t forget to review goals regularly and adjust them as needed — especially if you find that you are not making the progress you had hoped for.

By following these simple tips, you can ensure that your business is as productive as possible.

Delegate tasks

In order to increase productivity in business, it is important to delegate tasks.

This means giving tasks to other people or teams who are better equipped to handle them.

This can free up time for the owner or manager to focus on more important tasks.

It can also make sure that tasks are completed more efficiently and effectively.

There are a few things to keep in mind when delegating tasks:

  1. Make sure that the person or team you are delegating to is capable of completing the task. This seems obvious, but it’s important to make sure that they have the necessary skills and knowledge.
  2. Be clear about what you expect from the task. Give them a detailed description of what needs to be done and any deadlines that need to be met.
  3. Check in periodically to see how the task is going. This will help you gauge their progress and give you a chance to offer assistance if needed.
  4. Delegate multiple tasks to different people or teams if possible. This can help distribute the workload and ensure that no one person or team is overwhelmed with work.
  5. Don’t hesitate to ask for help if you’re feeling overwhelmed yourself! Delegating tasks can be a huge help, but it’s not always possible or practical in every situation. If you’re struggling, reach out to your team and see if they can lend a hand.

Take breaks

When you’re working on a task, it’s easy to get wrapped up in it and lose track of time.

Before you know it, hours have passed and you’ve accomplished very little.

One way to avoid this is to take breaks regularly. Get up and walk around for a few minutes, stretch, or grab a snack.

This will help you stay focused and avoid burnout.

Invest in the right tools and resources

If you want to increase productivity in your business, you need to invest in the right tools and resources.

This means having a good computer with the right software, a reliable internet connection, and access to the latest information and research.

It also means investing in yourself and your employees.

Make sure you provide training and development opportunities so that your team is always learning and growing.

Create a positive work environment

Creating a positive work environment is one of the most important things you can do to increase productivity in business.

When employees feel comfortable and happy in their surroundings, they are more likely to be productive.

There are many ways to create a positive work environment, but some of the most effective include:

  • Fostering a collaborative culture
  • Providing ample opportunity for breaks and socialization
  • Encouraging employee input and feedback
  • Make sure the physical space is comfortable and conducive to productivity

by taking these steps, you can create an environment that will encourage your employees to do their best work.

Encourage open communication

It is important to encourage open communication among employees.

This can be done by creating an open and supportive work environment, where employees feel comfortable communicating with one another.

Regular communication between managers and employees can help to ensure that everyone is on the same track and working towards the same goals.

Case studies

Case studies can be an effective way to learn about best practices for increasing productivity.

By reading about how other businesses have tackled the issue, you can gain a better understanding of what strategies may work best for your own organization.

There are a number of online resources that offer case studies on business productivity. Harvard Business Review is one such source.

The website offers a variety of articles that explore different aspects of business productivity.

Another helpful resource is the website of the management consulting firm McKinsey & Company.

McKinsey has published a number of articles and reports on the topic of productivity, which can be accessed from its website.

Taking the time to read through these case studies can give you a better sense of the different options available for increasing productivity in your business.

Using the knowledge in hand, you’re better able to understand how your company can be more successful.

Final Thoughts

By implementing some of the tips we’ve discussed in this article, you should see a marked improvement in productivity levels.

From setting clear goals and objectives to taking regular breaks and using the right tools and technologies, there are a number of different ways to increase productivity in business.

The important thing is to find what works for you and your team and stick with it.



Ahmad Shah Adami

CEO/Founder of that provides free online courses with certificates on daily basis. Learn new skills and improve your knowledge.