Life at Keyo: Product Manager

Payton Stenglein
onlykeyo blog
Published in
4 min readAug 16, 2023

The Keyo team excels at transforming visions into reality thanks to the tireless efforts of our product managers. In this edition of Life at Keyo, we introduce you to Arturo Villa, a product manager with a knack for capturing, managing, and prioritizing customer wants and needs.

Since joining our team in May, Art has played a pivotal role in building seamless integrations of Keyo’s technology with our partners. Art’s days are filled with productive stand-up meetings, regular check-ins, and fruitful collaborations with our valued partners. Let’s jump right in and get to know what a typical day in Art’s life at Keyo looks like.

A little about Art

  • Art is a Phoenix, Arizona-based Product Manager dedicated to bridging the gap between our business and technical teams.
  • Art has been at Keyo for four months.
  • He enjoys film photography, camping, and learning about new technical concepts. He finds inspiration while being outdoors and while taking pictures on old cameras.
  • He is fascinated by food and loves to explore new restaurants, cafes, and things to do in the Phoenix area.

6:00 am — Art begins his day with a refreshing cold shower, assuring us that living in the desert during the summer makes it less daunting than it sounds. Afterwards, he heads to the kitchen to whip up some tea. He’s got this awesome collection of loose leaf tea and loves exploring new flavors.

6:30 am — Since Keyo is fully remote with teams all over the world, Art likes to wake up early to be sure he gets face time with colleagues in different time zones. Once online, he dives straight into work, checking action items, tasks, and organizational boards to ensure everything’s on track. Apart from that, he usually has a couple of early morning meetings, including stand-ups for various teams.

8:00 am — While he may not be a big breakfast person, his partner has been encouraging him to indulge in a morning meal to boost his energy levels for work. He usually goes for a pastry with his tea to kickstart his day. Coffee is not his cup of tea. Sorry, coffee lovers!

10:00 am — After his morning routine and meetings, Art delves into his work, which involves a significant amount of communication through Slack, emails, and frequent meetings with both internal and external stakeholders. Today, his primary focus is connecting with one of our partners. He works on gathering requirements and relevant information for our Product team.

12:00 pm — In the midst of his workday, a delightful interruption always awaits. His furry companion, Fin, gently taps his paw or rests his head on Art’s leg, signaling that it’s time for a brief intermission to attend to doggy business outside. This small yet significant moment holds a special place in Art’s heart, serving as a highlight of his day. Today was no different, as Finn started tapping Art’s leg just before one of his meetings around 12:00 pm.

3:00 pm — This is usually when Art begins to wrap up his day. Before he logs off, he runs through his action items and tasks to ensure that anything due today is completed and that projects with upcoming deadlines are on track. This often involves a quick sync with Keyo’s COO, Delna, or a weekly meeting with the other Project and Product managers.

4:00 pm — Art usually likes to unwind with a workout after finishing his work day. This helps him maintain focus and balance and compensates for his work's sedentary nature (sometimes standing, thanks to his standing desk). Plus, Incorporating some form of exercise into his daily routine is a great stress reliever.

5:00 pm — Despite his absolute love for cooking, today was an exceptionally busy day for him and his partner. They decided to spare themselves the hassle of cooking and cleaning, and instead, they opted to visit one of the nearby sushi restaurants. It’s remarkable how this place serves such incredibly fresh sashimi and sushi, even though Phoenix is landlocked.

7:00 pm — Towards the end of the day, Art and his partner enjoy walking or engaging in shared activities. However, due to the scorching weather today, they decided to forgo the walk and opted for watching the next episode of The Bachelor together instead. (Yes, you read that correctly! She has a bet with her colleagues on who will win, and he wholeheartedly supports her wager.)

9:30 pm — Since Art’s mornings start so early, he likes to head to bed in time to get plenty of sleep. Occasionally, he indulges in a cup of sleepy-time tea. Chamomile is his favorite.

We are thankful for dedicated product managers like Art, who serve as a bridge between business, technology, and design teams. We hope you enjoyed this edition of Life at Keyo! Stay tuned for more Life at Keyo posts, and visit our career page to explore exciting job opportunities.

