Will It Wave: Can Your Hand Unlock Your Front Door?

Payton Stenglein
onlykeyo blog
Published in
3 min readJun 13, 2023

Imagine this: you leave your house without your keys. On purpose. You don’t have any codes memorized, key cards, fobs, or mobile app to unlock your door when you get back, and you don’t need them. You just…walk out.

It sounds like a sci-fi movie, but it’s possible today with Keyo.

Welcome to our “Will It Wave” series, where we challenge a member of the Keyo integrations engineering team to use a Keyo device to automate an everyday experience. Together, we’ll explore no-code solutions that use a Keyo Wave device to trigger any action supported by connected software and services. Through our videos and easy-to-follow integration guides, we’ll make it simple to unlock your front door to even start your car — all with a wave of the hand.

Today, Bryan Riley, a key member of our integrations team, has his first mission: to find out if Keyo technology can unlock his front door with a quick hand scan. Let’s follow him on his journey to see how we can quickly and easily implement biometric access control solutions.

Step 1: Picking a smart lock

Bryan takes a trip to a local Home Depot to explore smart lock options. After browsing through options, he picks the Kwikset smart lock, a popular choice available in many hardware stores. It also supports many IoT platforms including Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant, and Apple Home.

Step 2: Setting up the smart lock

After Bryan arrives at home, he follows the packaging instructions to install and set up the Kwikset smart lock which includes installing the Halo Touch app. It’s important to keep the login credentials handy as they will be needed throughout the integration process!

Step 3: Integration time

For a successful integration, you will need the following:

  • A Keyo Wave and Android device running the latest version of the KeyoOS. If you do not have a Keyo device, you can pre-order one here.
  • A Keyo Developer Dashboard account
  • An IFTTT account

For more details on the integration process, please refer to the Kwikset Smart Lock x Keyo Guide.

Step 4: Will it wave?

After integrating the Keyo Wave device and the Kwikset Smart Lock, Bryan will test the technology to see if the simple wave of a hand will unlock his front door.

Will It Wave? The verdict: YES!

The Keyo device and Kiwkset smart lock integration works perfectly! Bryan can now open his front door safely and securely with the wave of a hand.

Why hand based biometrics?

Our hands are more easily kept private than our faces, making them a secure and convenient option for access control. They have dense and unique patterns on both the outside, like the palm and finger prints, and the inside, like our vein patterns and bone geometry. This makes them the most secure and best option for biometric identity.

Using biometric technology for access control

With the wave of a hand, students and employees around the world already have access to high-security buildings, sensitive rooms, and computerized devices using Keyo technology. This offers important advantages to organizations that no longer need to issue keys, fobs and ID badges- which can be costly to replace when lost, stolen, or broken.

Keyo’s devices can be used for access control as both wall and countertop deployments in lots of different ways, such as:

  • time and attendance
  • advanced permissioning for different areas of the building
  • conference room reservations
  • employee meal and loyalty programs

In addition to businesses using Keyo devices for access control, Keyo’s biometric technology offers everyday automation solutions that could be integrated into your home. In the Will It Wave series, we will continue to explore how hand based biometrics can be integrated into your everyday life. Follow us on LinkedIn and Twitter for series updates!

