MELD Dev Diary 09

Published in
2 min readNov 7, 2022

Lending & Borrowing


  • Implemented smart contract logic for withdraw event creation transaction.
  • Implemented smart contract logic for pool token withdrawal.
  • Implemented on-chain compounded cumulative interest rates formula.
  • Updated smart contracts with a more concise record syntax to improve readability.
  • Updated in-house transaction builder library to support Simple script.
  • Added faucet mint token API for building transactions to mint test token using Simple script.
  • Built and dockerized lending-services that enable batcher to build batching transactions.
  • Fixed special cases of custom typeclass instances serializing asset class.

Unit test:

  • Wrote unit tests for pool contract.
  • Fixed unit tests not running on CI.
  • Adjusted running unit test use during build time to improve build performance.

Integration test:

  • Added test user and batcher signing keys as secrets to docker-compose specification running local dev environment and integration tests.
  • Wrote integration tests for account creation, account deposit, account updating, and test token minting.
  • Fixed issues related to transaction building in lending and borrowing API.


  • Configured Github actions workflow for new MELDapp wallet which will build and update online code.
  • Configured Github actions workflow for Storybook which will build and update online code.
  • Fixing issues with sonarqube scan Github actions pipeline for new MELDapp wallet.

Read more from the Dev Diary series here!

