MELD Dev Diary 25

Published in
2 min readFeb 27, 2023


  • Conducted load testing on Cardano preprod network.
  • Fixed UI color schemes, typos, the styling of buttons, QR code, alignment, and text formatting
  • Transaction details page UI fixes
  • Implementation of cards for liquidation threshold, max LTV
  • Warning when supply is over the total remaining supply
  • Fixed wallet $ value displayed as ‘$0.00" when refreshing a page
  • Graph adjustments
  • Liquidation bot: Add new configuration option for selecting collateral
  • Update faucet token amounts
  • Implement API to query average APY
  • More logging and refactor API log
  • Upgrade cardano-node to 1.35.5
  • Normalize script context on building in unit tests
  • Fix delayed logging due to wrong buffering mode
  • Hot fix liquidation
  • More unit test for non-negative user’s input situation
  • Check user’s input non-negative amounts
  • Adding more traces for exported on-chain functions
  • Liquidation indexing
  • Fix wrong value calculation in function calculateUtxoValueSatisfyMinAda
  • Interact with account by current account ref instead of account id
  • Implement user’s transaction history API
  • API for liquidation information.
  • Update account API: reuse exported functions


  • Configured NATS for backend websocket testing
  • Configured AWS SQS for backend websocket testing

Read more from the Dev Diary series here!

