MELD Dev Diary 38

Published in
2 min readMay 31, 2023

MELD Dev Diaries present a variety of updates and developments to the MELDapp. Here’s what the team has accomplished this week:


  • Alerts for successful creation or errors during the establishment of safes are now active, aiding users in navigation and troubleshooting.
  • The general layout now features the Card component, enhancing the visibility of content and improving the overall user experience.
  • Errors for actions in the Transaction List component are now appropriately managed and alerted, ensuring seamless interaction.
  • Cardano-node and cardano-api 8.0.0 together with other Cardano dependencies have been updated in multisig and token projects.
  • Rounding error bug on the token migration frontend has been fixed for users with large amounts of tokens.
  • Multisig and token projects have been upgraded to GHC2021 standard, implemented by an automated script.
  • Developing architecture design for bank signup airdrop system.

BE Improvements:

  • Selected addresses now have the ability to refresh their balances through a new API endpoint, making account management more efficient.

Bug Fixes:

  • Balance history API in production now shows accurate data points, correcting previous discrepancies.
  • Real-time percentage change in the asset card is now correctly calculated, providing accurate financial data.
  • Issues with the token-sending slide bar showing NaN have been addressed and fixed.

New Onboarding Flow:

  • Seed phrase users now receive a default username and profile picture.
  • Browser refresh logic has been enhanced, along with an updated secret code check prior to displaying the seed phrase.
  • Error screens for the secret code flow and seed phrase confirmation screen description have been improved.
  • Users are now notified that web3auth will be obsolete by August 1st.

UI Improvements:

  • Preloading fonts expedite loading times, and label texts have been improved for better readability.
  • Column titles now align more accurately with the corresponding information.


  • The Caddy proxy service is now configured as a sidecar for Avalanche RPC.
  • The CI/CD pipeline has been set up for building the caddy docker container image, pushing it to a local registry, and deploying it in the production environment.
  • Bitcode node infrastructure is now deployed.
  • Automatic Meld EVM service has been stopped.
  • AWS Fargate + EFS solution is currently being evaluated for current services.

Read more from the Dev Diary series here!

