MELD Dev Diary 45

Published in
2 min readJul 17, 2023

In our Dev Diaries, we explore the ongoing enhancements and refinements to the MELDapp. Here’s this week’s progress:

MELDapp Enhancements — Cardano Chain:

  • Multisig brainstorming sessions covered topics such as Wallet extension, transfer transactions from multiple user addresses, UTXO handling, automatic rules, and Plutus over Simple script.
  • Redis setup in local development environment facilitates backend cache experimentation.
  • Backend has been refactored for enhanced performance by removing unused functions.
  • Exceptions are gracefully handled in case of reward tracking subgraph downtime, maintaining service continuity.
  • Backend dependencies updated for MacOS compatibility.
  • Issues leading to staking and vesting server failures on deployment rectified.
  • Timeout middleware error causing server crashes on invalid routes fixed.

Front-end Improvements:

  • A new entry point for wallet migration has been added for users who skip this step in the pop-up.
  • MELD migration pop-up and user flow improved for better user experience.
  • Improvements made to SEND/RECEIVE flows for smoother transactions.
  • Card information refined for better user understanding.
  • Upgrades made to display the market price chart effectively.

Front-end Bug Fixes:

  • Fix introduced for display issue causing no more than 100 transactions to show on Front End.
  • Web3auth wallet restore functionality updated to tackle user-reported issues.
  • Errors encountered by users during token sending addressed and rectified.
  • Address validation logic in the Send Drawer improved for greater accuracy.

Back-end Improvements:

  • Accuracy of back-end data is enhanced by tracking older transactions in the indexer.
  • Improved handling of transactions with empty amounts, leading to fewer error log messages.

Back-end Bug Fixes:

  • Issue of duplicated transactions in the transaction list was rectified.
  • Improvements and fixes implemented on BE tracking and balance refresh, focusing on supported tokens like USDT on Avalanche.


  • Vanity address calculations were made more efficient.
  • Deployments of and new version

As our team continues the work of refining the MELDapp, we are grateful for your unwavering support. Please look forward to more updates in the upcoming weeks.

Read more from the Dev Diary series here!

