MELD Dev Diary 85

Dastin Adamowski
Published in
3 min readMay 6, 2024

Hey there! Welcome to our Dev Diaries. This is where we give you a peek behind the curtain to see how we’re making MELDapp even better. So, what have we been up to in the last week?

MELDapp Web:

  • Continued working on the new MELD’s native Bridge implementation,
  • Deployed improved NFT interface with fixed empty state and support for NFT ERC-1155 standard in DEV environment for the internal QA,
  • Worked on a new concept of tracking an asset as “protected from liquidation” in the Supply & Borrow,
  • Carried on with front-end development of the Yield Boost and MELD NFT Bank Managers’ YB multipliers when locked with a supplied or borrowed position.

MELDapp Mobile:

  • Focused on fine-tuning the app before submission to the App Store:

🛠️ removed remainings of the MELD API v1 from the project,
🛠️ when sending a crypto asset the ‘next’ button should match asset’s main color theme,
🛠️ fixed app crashing when Crypto Wallet selected with empty balance (no assets in the wallet),
🛠️ improved the way MELD asset page looks like for empty state (zero balance),
🛠️ fixed issues when inputting a custom handle in the onboarding flow,
🛠️ based on community’s feedback the fast scrolling through transactions history has been brought back,
🛠️ fixed app hard resetting upon completion of the Forgot Passcode flow,

  • Continued with intense development of the FIAT currencies user interface, on/off-ramp, bank account support and associated send/receive flows.

Solidity | Backend:

  • Added “Max Uint” functionality to the deposit (supply) and borrow function and modified it in the repay function,
  • Added return values to the deposit, borrow, and liquidationCall functions,
  • Refactored withdrawOnBehalfOf function into the withdraw function by adding an onBehalfOf parameter,
  • Upgraded to solidity v0.8.24,
  • Finished adding upgradeability for the Supply & Borrow protocol,
  • Added information contract API for Cardano network bridge,
  • Updated type for Cardano contract exporter,
  • Prepared configuration for Cardano contract of DEV environment,
  • Updated function get network name from ID in the bridge API,
  • Added API to get all supported tokens in the bridge contract,
  • Added API to track Yield Boost data,
  • Updated lending subgraph to adapt contracts v3,
  • Wrote subgraph mapping to handle events from yield boost staking contract,
  • Started tracking Yield Boost multipliers, MELD Banker NFTs, and Genius Loans in DeFi subgraph,
  • Added field multipliers to lending’s Yield Boost global response,
  • Returned Genius Loan is active or not for a lending user,
  • Retrieved fulfillment events from subgraph, then update the status of requests that have already been fulfilled before processing,
  • Created a QueryAction type to enable the transaction of a group of QueryActions, which will be used by the bridge service to update requests in the database after they have been processed,
  • Finished processing pending requests.


  • Deployed Cardano bridge infra,
  • Debugged k8s monitoring and logging problems,
  • Deployed a few fixes for the new bridging services in DEV env,
  • Opened firewall ports on testnet graph-node for the new bridging services,
  • Fixed issue with k8s logging and monitoring,
  • Fixed marketing-api service problem in all environments,
  • Fixed marketing-admin service problem in production,
  • Modified parameter-store for marketing-api production database,
  • Moved s3 static website to Cloudfront,
  • Deployed changes to testnet graph-node,
  • Decommissioned Polygon Mumbai network,
  • Planned additional securing Cloudfront endpoints,
  • Planned configuration of new proxy service for a marketing initiative.

We deeply appreciate your steadfast support, which remains a cornerstone for us. Your feedback holds immeasurable worth as we persist in our pursuit of innovating and perfecting the MELDapp. Stay tuned for a series of forthcoming updates in the weeks ahead.

