MELD Dev Diary 94

Dastin Adamowski
Published in
3 min readJul 8, 2024

Hey there! Welcome to our Dev Diaries. This is where we give you a peek behind the curtain to see how we’re making MELDapp even better. So, what have we been up to in the last week?

MELDapp Web:

  • Intruduced MELD standalone bridge adjustments (more efficient bridge fees computing, loading animation enhancement, stability optimizations),
  • Implemented dynamic bridge fee and its $ value calculation in the main app,
  • Fixed wrong wallet address being displayed on the summary page in the Bridge flow,
  • Fixed slider issues to set a % of bridge amount,
  • Fixed displaying a newly supplied asset on the list of Yield Boost rewards management,
  • YIELD BOOST REWARDS should now display $ rewards breakdown per each asset and not the %,
  • Fixed incorrect format of the bridge transactions’ blockchain explorer URLs,
  • Updated the success state drawer for a multicall transaction to present a correct value of Yield Boost rewards claimed / used to compound / used to repaid,
  • Updated Yield Boost and MELD Banker NFT cards’ tooltips in the Supply & Borrow.

MELDapp Mobile:

  • Integrated Fiat money deposit API endpoint,
  • Prepared the Exchange module’s codebase for Fiat integration,
  • Set up IBAN validation during the Fiat withdraw flow,
  • Started working on NFTs integration:

-Established foundation work (data models, APIs and persistence),
-Integration with the Dashboard,
-NFT wallet details screen development.

Solidity | Backend:

  • API Integration: Integrated the API network and available tokens from tracking for display purposes,
  • Implemented updating allocations,
  • Performed data validation on the frontend and fixed interaction issues,
  • Updated Allocation API: Return rebalance information and liquid deposits,
  • Validated rebalance criteria on the backend,
  • Updated rebalance API handler to extract executor public key from script instead of reading from env,
  • Checked all native script types when verifying Cardano executor,
  • Fetched yield data and integrated the API rebalance for Cardano,
  • Configured production environments for the MELD bridge,
  • Added fork node mainnet for testing,
  • Updated tx-builder service to consider the first locker reward address as liquid adapter,
  • Rewrote update and delete allocation APIs to allow update and delete multiple allocations,
  • Tested rebalance with test adapter,
  • Tracked wETHAddress in subgraph,
  • Fixed admin frontend to get wETH allocation data instead of native token,
  • Implemented rebalance action from frontend,
  • Removed role scripts and fixed stakers,
  • Read native script from kupo,
  • Read native script from utxo’s scriptRef,
  • Deployed new Cardano contract for prod.


  • Configured infra for the new standalone MELD bridge-admin website,
  • Configured DNS records for the new bridge-admin website,
  • Upgraded Sonarqube service,
  • Cleaned docker buildx cache on github runners,
  • Configured kupo indexer EFS storage backup,
  • Configured and deployed AWS backup for kupo indexer service using terraform,
  • Configured and started one testing VM instance in GCP,
  • Worked on Cloudwatch logs metrics filter,
  • Fixed Sonarqube warnings in infra github repo,
  • Created tracking-api metric filter,
  • Set up Cloudwatch alarm for tracking-api errors,
  • Deployed MELD bridge mainnet infra,
  • Reconfigured Cloudfront distribution for bridge admin frontend.

We deeply appreciate your steadfast support, which remains a cornerstone for us. Your feedback holds immeasurable worth as we persist in our pursuit of innovating and perfecting the MELDapp. Stay tuned for a series of forthcoming updates in the weeks ahead.

