Ask An Expert: Skincare Musts Throughout the Years

Wondering what’s happening to your skin as you grow up? You’re not alone. Rest assured, we all go through the same process. To get the skinny on how our skin changes with age (and what we can do for a lifetime of healthy skin), we spoke with licensed medical esthetician and beauty expert Jordana Mattioli, who talked us through how to take care of our skin through the years.

Onomie Beauty
Published in
4 min readAug 17, 2017


The Basics On How Our Skin Changes As We Age:

Healthy skin is made up of an intricate framework of proteins (collagen & elastin) and glycans (aka carbs) that protects and supports the dermal cells. As we age, it starts to naturally break down due to intrinsic factors like genetics, hormones and stress and extrinsic factors like sun exposure, poor sleeping and nutrition, pollution, smoking and alcohol. As a result of these factors, skin texture can become rougher and dull from slower cell turnover, can start to sag from the loss of the elastin, and can also become thinner and look slightly transparent.

In Your 20s

In your 20s, you should be experiencing the best complexion of your life. Estrogen keeps the skin plump, smooth, hydrated and firm by increasing collagen. But, adult acne is also most common during our 20s because hormone shifts around our periods can cause inflammation and increased oil production. Birth control pills and other medications can help to balance hormones, especially when topical skincare isn’t helping. Good habits that you develop now will determine how your skin can look later on in life. Introduce a leave-on exfoliant with acids a few times a week into your routine, start using an eye cream and be diligent with your SPF use.

In Your 30s

In your 30s, estrogen, collagen and elastin levels start to decline, which can cause your skin to become drier and lead to the appearance of expression lines. Start using a Vitamin A/Retinol treatment twice a week, add in a brightening antioxidant serum during the day, and start taking supplements with omegas. You can get the most effective topical anti-aging ingredients over the counter, so no stress! If you don’t already, start seeing a dermatologist yearly for a full body check to make sure there are no dangerous irregularities in your skin (really, do it!).

In Your 40s

In your 40s, skin can lose its firmness and become drier. Estrogen-related bone loss can also begin to affect your facial structure and age spots can begin to appear. Upgrade your cleanser to a gentler formula, increase your Vitamin A/Retinol use to at least every other night, and add in a firming serum with peptides. You’ll also want to make sure you are using your products on your neck — the skin there is sensitive too, and like your face, can be prone to aging.

In Your 50s

In your 50s, menopause can cause significant changes to your skin. We lose a third of the collagen in our skin during the first five years, inflammation peaks, peach fuzz can appear, lines can become deeper, and eyelids can begin to droop. This all sounds very depressing, I know, but there are actions you can take to offset these issues. Upgrade your night cream and try gentle facial oils during the day to stay glowy. If you’ve gotten your skin acclimated to over-the-counter retinols and still seek improvement, talk to your dermatologist about prescription topical retinoids.

Good Beauty Habits Never Get Old.

Jordana’s Skincare Musts For All Ages:

  • Cleansing before bedtime is non-negotiable, and cleansing wipes don’t count!
  • Get facials seasonally, and a great esthetician will also guide you to getting the right cocktail of products.
  • Don’t try more than one new product at a time– ease your skin into new products. That way, if your skin reacts great or not as good to a product, you’ll know what it is.
  • Lasers are your friend! Innovations in skincare are constantly being released. If you’re opposed to ever trying Botox or fillers, lasers can improve almost any issue.
  • Spend within your budget. You’re not missing out by not getting the latest $700 cream, we promise. If you can splurge on one item, make it finding a sunscreen you love– then wear it religiously!

Like any good skin guru, Jordana is always exploring the newest products and skincare trends on Instagram and on her website. Be sure to follow her for the latest and greatest!

