Find Onomy on Crew3 — A Guide to Ranks & Rewards

Onomy Protocol
Onomy Protocol
Published in
4 min readJan 10, 2023

Good day, NOMads!

If you’ve recently hopped into Discord, you might’ve noticed the server has been restructured — new channels, new roles, and new ranks for the NOMad corps.

Part of this restructuring includes the launch of Onomy’s questboard on Crew3 — an exciting platform designed to empower communities towards shared goals.

Let’s dive in!

New Ranks

The NOMad corps are now structured in seven ranks:

  • General Nomad
  • Colonel Nomad
  • Lieutenant Colonel Nomad
  • Major Nomad
  • Captain Nomad
  • Lieutenant Nomad
  • Sergeant Nomad
  • Private Nomad

By default, all existing server members and new joiners will be assigned the Private Nomad rank. To level up and get access to $NOM rewards and much more, you’ll have to complete quests via Crew3.

Crew3 Quests

Upon visiting Onomy’s Crew3 Questboard, log in with Discord. Once you’re in, you’ll get to see dozens of quests which all unlock experience points (XP). The more experience points you acquire, the higher your Crew3 level & Discord rank. The higher your level/rank, the more rewards you can obtain.

Let’s take a closer look at the workflow…

Say you wish to advance from @PrivateNomad (level 1 @ Crew3) to @SergeantNomad (level 2 @ Crew3):

  1. Log into Crew3
  2. Claim any XP boosts you may be entitled to (25XP for @OGNomads, 25XP for testnet users, 50XP for members of the @SecretNomadSociety.
  3. Start doing quests until you hit the amount of XP required to advance.
  4. Once you’ve hit Level 2 on Crew3, you can use the questboard to claim the @SergeantNomad role alongside more XP.

All tasks on Onomy’s Crew3 questboard are designed to have you learn about the protocol, interact with new features, stay updated with project news, and get closer to the community, eventually outranking more members, gaining more clout in the community, extra $NOM, and exclusive opportunities in Web3.

Quests are spread across several categories:

  • Be here: claiming of ranks, XP boosts, and daily login rewards
  • Socials: following Onomy across different socials and engaging with the NOMad community
  • Quizzes: learning more about the protocol’s features, vision, and future
  • Ecosystem: interacting with the protocol’s products and coin
  • Treasure Hunt: finding Easter Eggs hidden by contributors in various places
  • Content Creatooors: producing articles, videos, threads, and graphics @ Onomy

Leveling & Unlocking Quests:

  • Some quests are exclusive to higher levels, so to claim these you must finish lower-level quests to warm up.
  • Some quests require you to hold a specific role — either get that role, or complete other quests which unlock the role needed.
  • Each quest contains all the instructions that must be followed to finish and obtain the XP
  • Each level is designed to allow you to skip at least one quest but still gain the necessary XP to be promoted to a new rank
  • Some quests allow you to ‘farm’ multiple times for ongoing rewards
  • Some quests may have time limits imposed
  • Quests unlocking access to the superior officer ranks within the NOMad corps will be added in due time.
  • New quests (including level-specific, role-specific & exclusives) may be posted at any moment, so make sure to check-in daily (doing so also gives you 1 XP).

Automated vs Manual Approval Quests:

  • Some quests are automatically marked as complete once you take the necessary actions, whereas others must be manually reviewed and marked as complete before the XP is granted.
  • Manual verifications are required either due to technical reasons (platform unable to check if said task has been completed) or for quality vetting. Quality checks are conducted by protocol contributors, and in some cases, by members of the @SecretNomadSociety (which you can also join by finalizing specific quests).
  • Manual verification may take anywhere between a few minutes to a few days, depending on workload and the nature of the quest.

Quest Rewards

  • Level 1: granted to everyone by default upon joining the Onomy Protocol Questboard on Crew3
  • Level 2: @SergeantNomad role + access to L2 quests
  • Level 3: @LieutenantNomad role + 5 NOM + access to L3 quests
  • Level 4: @CaptainNomad role + 10 NOM + access to L4 quests
  • Level 5: @MajorNomad role + 👀+ 👀
  • Level 6: @LieutenantColonelNomad role + 👀 + 👀
  • Level 7: @ColonelNomad role + 👀+ 👀
  • Level 8: @GeneralNomad role + 👀+ 👀+ 👀+ 👀

Once we’ve obtained your NOM address which you submit when joining the Onomy Crew3 Questboard, rewards for upcoming ranks/levels will be issued by contributors with no further action needed on your side. Please be mindful this may take some time.

You can verify the amount of XP required to reach each level/rank right here.

The reward pool will operate on a first-come first-serve basis and be initially set to an amount voted on in a DAO proposal. The reward pool will be custodied and distributed by whomever submitted the proposal that gets accepted by the DAO. In future, any community member can make a proposal to the DAO to add new quests & replenish the reward pool.

Users can only advance up to @CaptainNomad as of this moment. Rewards and quests for Major Nomad and beyond will be decided on by contributors depending on traction, and DAO spending approvals.

Let’s Rank!

Should you have feedback or need any support in navigating the Onomy questboard or claiming rewards, our community contributors are all hands on deck in Discord and ready to assist!

Good luck, have fun and may the very best of the NOMad corps reach the higher ranks!



Onomy Protocol
Onomy Protocol

Offering the infrastructure necessary to converge traditional finance with decentralized finance.