How to get those first 50 regular clients as a fitness creator

Kal Jamshidi
Published in
4 min readJun 2, 2020

So you’re a fitness creator and now, with the help of onPodio, you have a super slick experience for you and your clients to enjoy… now what? Now it’s time to spread the word! Here’s some advice on getting your first 50 regular clients.

Tell everyone

  • Post on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, etc about your fitness business and ask your followers to check it out. Tell them what your fitness style is all about, what you’ll be delivering each week or month and why you think they’d like it. As you post up your classes, keep sharing your schedule, use our Insta Story Schedule Creator tool to make it easy to do!
  • Tell your friends, coworkers, and acquaintances that you’ve started a fitness business. It’s okay to email them from your personal email to let them know. Be sure to include a link to your onPodio page so they can drop into a class if they choose. Bring it up in conversation, over lunch, and whenever you meet someone new.
  • Link to your fitness page everywhere you can. Make yourself discoverable to increase the chances that a stranger will stumble upon your page. Add your onPodio URL to your email signature, personal website, and bio on Twitter, Instagram, etc.

Be consistent

  • Pick a regular class schedule. Whether it’s daily, every other day, mornings, evenings or some other combination, the important part is being consistent. Setting a consistent schedule will help you and your clients find their rhythm. As new clients come across you, they’re more likely to sign up when they see that you’re active and consistent.
  • Let your personality shine through. The best part about fitness is that it is so personal and everyone brings their own style and flare to their classes and sessions. So be yourself! Take advantage of your onPodio page by adding your IG feed, sharing your background or connecting your Spotify playlist to each class so people can feel your vibes ahead of time! Also don’t forget to start collecting reviews on your page from your loyal clients as it’s the most powerful way to get the trust of new clients.
  • Sprinkle in some free community classes. Whether you are starting out or already have your client base sprinkling in an occasional free community class can be a good way to increase exposure to new “try before they buy” clients. Maybe it’s a quick 25 minute lunch power session as a bit of teaser or maybe you can use free community classes as a way to test new concepts, themes or variations to what you know is tried and proven.

Tap into other people’s audiences

At this point, you’ve tapped your immediate network and taught a bunch of classes you’re proud of. Now spread the word to people you don’t know.

  • Try reaching out to brands you admire whose audience overlaps with yours and offer to to collaborate (e.g. free IG live class). One of the best aspects of the virtual shift is that it can be truly global so reach out to brands or influencers on Instagram or other platforms and offer to do a free class on their handle. You are no longer limited by zip codes so tapping into the global audiences of brands you like can be super valuable! And it doesn’t necessarily need to be a large multinational brand, it can be a small niche business you love or a brand you once came across while travelling, sometimes the more niche the better as you may resonate more closely with that audience.
  • Connect with businesses to offer a corporate program. Many companies are looking for ways to keep their teams socially connected while physically distant. Use this as an opportunity to connect with local (or global!) HR / People Ops teams or company leadership to support well-being initiatives with regular small group training sessions for the company’s team.

It can take time to build your client base, but the value of your client base compounds over time. With each new person who becomes a client, you increase your chances of those people telling their friends about you and getting that many more clients. Be patient and keep at it!

If you are looking for a all-in-one platform to help you start, run and grow your business as a fitness creator check us out at

We simplify your business by automating class creation, bookings, scheduling, payments, email reminders, and much more to give you that professional edge.



Kal Jamshidi
Editor for

Founder of onPodio — a platform empowering fitness professionals to run their business & build their online presence.