The power of testimonials for fitness creators

The shift online has made the age old testimonial relevant again

Kal Jamshidi
3 min readJun 22, 2020


Fitness is unlike any other services industry because the connection you have with your clients goes beyond just the service. It’s a connection that touches the mind, body and well-being. That’s why one of the most valuable investments you can make as you begin to build your business as a fitness creator is to collect reviews and testimonials.

Photo by Jonathan Borba on Unsplash

This might sound like ancient or obvious advice but oftentimes it is underrated and overlooked, particularly if your focus is as a virtual and thereby global fitness creator.

There’s no denying that word of mouth referrals will always — in the physical world — be the most effective marketing tool. But the digital world is different — your client base is geographically boundless. In the digital world potential clients might not have met one of your prior clients, and they may physically never be able to making a testimonial critical! And what’s more an online testimonial gives you global freedom too by letting you take the recommendation and brand you build anywhere the world may take you next.

What makes a testimonial good or better yet, great!

Goes without saying a great testimonial is one that is glowing about your services! The most important aspects to consider when collecting testimonials is whether it is genuine, informative, trustworthy and accessible.

  • Genuine: this is the easiest box to tick, because as long as your clients are happy to volunteer a testimonial then it’ll be genuine!
  • Informative: a good testimonial is genuine, but a great testimonial is informative. Ask your clients to think about what makes you different or special, what have they learnt in your classes, how do they feel after class, what’s the atmosphere of your classes like?
  • Trustworthy: where possible try to get permission to include your client’s name or capture it on a platform that associates reviews with their identities so clients can trust it’s real!
  • Accessible: make your testimonials accessible! It should take no more than 3 clicks to get to it online! If it’s not accessible… then what’s the point 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♂️

But what if the testimonial is less than glowing? As we mention at the start of this post, the fitness industry is like none-other. The relationship with the client is a lot deeper, personal and intimate than almost any other profession — it’s actually almost like dating. And as we know about dating, not everyone is for everyone and the same is true in fitness. So take the opportunity to learn from the feedback to improve your game!

How should I start collecting testimonials?

Your regulars and fans will always be keen to support your — so don’t be afraid to simply ask! Personally and directly asking is the best bet but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t do a shout-out at the end of the class… the point is just ask!

Better yet, make it easy for them to send it in. You might use a Google form to collect it. You can also use onPodio to collect testimonials via a simple form that takes them 30 seconds to fill!

There’s a lot of people online and it can be hard as a client to navigate so make sure you’re differentiating your brand and reputation as a fitness creator with the power of testimonials.

If you are looking for a all-in-one platform to help you start, run and grow your business as a fitness creator check us out at

We simplify your business by automating class creation, bookings, scheduling, payments, email reminders, and much more to give you that professional edge.



Kal Jamshidi

Founder of onPodio — a platform empowering fitness professionals to run their business & build their online presence.