What every online booking (for sales) should have as table stakes

Connor Paddon
Published in
3 min readMay 9, 2018
  1. Calendar Sync

Syncing with Google, Outlook, and iCal was a product differentiator in the early days. Now it’s an absolute must. You will never achieve user adoption with online booking.

How does OnSched do it? We sync 2 ways. Not only does OnSched pull all of your availability from your personal calendar so you can’t get double booked, but it also pushes all appointment data + lead information back down to that calendar meaning you (or your vendors or sales reps) never need to log into a 3rd party calendar to adopt OnSched. That’s a win.

2. Timezones

Imagine building timezone support into virtual booking. Not only does the timezone differ between the person booking and the one being booked (often enough hours to put each in a different day) consider that every appointment reminder, confirmation, SMS reminder, appointment sync into your Google or Outlook calendar — they all have to happen in separate timezones, for separate stakeholders. I.e. a sales manager should also be able to log in and see all of those appointments in his or her own timezone, adding to the complexity.

3. Custom Fields

Custom fields was one of the most unique development attributes that has really set us apart from the crowds when it comes to online booking. The ability to collect data on either:

A) Appointment records — I.e. data that might change on every appointment. I.e. What CRM are you currently using? (if prospect were booking a demo with a new CRM company)

B) Customer records — I.e. Data that might get appended to the customer for life, like age or gender etc. If you were using booking for sales demos, you might want to collect information on the type of customer persona they are for example (i.e. dev vs ops vs etc)

C) Business records — I.e. data that’s relevant only to the business. For example, let’s say you’re H&R block with 4,000 locations — it’s reasonable to expect that each location might have their own contextual questions they might want to collect each time a customer books a consultation (maybe budget?).

D) Company records — I.e. Data that at the parent company level might want to be enforced to collect.

4. Fully exposed API

Being able to extend functionality with our API + webhooks allows you to customize the platform you work with the integrate with other data sources and platforms, this is critical when using booking in a sales environment to insulate yourself from future growth issues.

5. Custom email templates

Staying in brand is always a positive. This takes white labeling a step further and keeps everything brand consistent with your buyers.

What makes OnSched different?

1. Built for Sales Teams, with conversion optimization

Our sales stack product is one of the most commonly used parts of our platform.

2. Lead Enrichment

We take data to a whole new level. Every single time a booking is made, we take that email and send it to different data providers like ClearBit / FullContact and build a data model on every customer that books. This allows us to generate Lead Reports for our customers that use OnSched for demo / consult booking for a sales team.

3. Lead Routing

Optionally start the flow of booking on your website with qualifying questions, where answers are used to score leads and route them to the appropriate sales rep at your company.

4. Lead follow up

Automate follow up and stop relying on AE’s and BDR’s to sequence manually.

5. Supports a higher level of management for Aggregators

One of the coolest parts about OnSched is its ability to own / access thousands of vendor accounts that all can operate like independant businesses, and not infringing on each others privacy. Meeting the needs of modern enterprises with hundreds of different roles / permissions accessing accounts and massive limitations on who can view what. It’s not an easy undertaking.

