A few Q&As about our job postings

Sameer Vasta
Ontario Digital Service
4 min readJan 3, 2018

As you’re probably aware, we’re hiring for roles across the Ontario Digital Service. (You can find all the open positions and how to apply on Ontario.ca.)

Over the past three weeks, we’ve received a lot of questions about the job postings from people across Ontario; we thought we’d share some of those questions and answers with you all here, in case you had some of the same ones.

If you have more questions, we’re hosting an open “ask me anything” session with Chief Digital Officer Hillary Hartley and Talent Lead Kirstin Rydahl on Friday, January 5, 2018 at 11am. You can join in by accessing the Zoom link at that time.

Here are a few questions we’ve received, and some answers to those questions:

What is the culture like in the ODS?

On the whole, the ODS culture is fast-paced, hard-working, and committed to the mission. Team members are engaged, and have a good sense of humour. There’s a strong commitment to, and belief in, flexible work and work-life balance. You can read more about how we work on the blog.

What diversity initiatives do you have?

Diversity and inclusion are very important to the ODS. We’ve recently put out our diversity pledge, and we’ll be releasing our diversity report in the next few weeks. All team members are encouraged to propose and implement diversity and inclusion projects through our People Board.

Everyone involved in the hiring process have participated in unconscious bias training. There’s a lot more to be done, but we’re working hard and taking it seriously.

We’ll also be sending a voluntary anonymous survey to our applicants to see how well we are doing in attracting a broad range of people to work in the ODS and learn how we can do better for the future.

Do you make accomodations for people with accessibility needs?

Absolutely! The job ads have an email address to connect with us; if you require any support or accomodations, we will set you up with people who can support you throughout the process.

What are you doing to make employees feel welcome?

We’re constantly trying things and iterating on them to make the organization a great place to work. Every member of the team has the opportunity to suggest and try new initiatives, and the People Board is set up to support all employee suggestions and initiatives.

We host a weekly all-hands meeting where everyone (no matter where they are located) can share the work they are doing across the organization, and regular ask-me-anything sessions with senior leadership. Right now, a team is looking at all our onboarding processes and practices — they aren’t perfect, but we’re working hard on them.

How does the pay compare to other organizations?

The Ontario Public Service generally benchmarks to the market median of other large public sector organizations.

Do I have to stop my side-hustle/teaching gig/board work?

Probably not. If you are the successful candidate, there is a process where any potential conflict of interest can be discussed and determine if there is an issue with you continuing that line of business.

Can I really work from anywhere in Ontario?

Yes — with the understanding that you may have to travel to Toronto (and other places in the province, depending on the project) from time to time to participate in necessary in-person work. We’ll support you in figuring out travel details once you’re on board.

Is there a minimum of “years of experience” that you’re looking for?

The ODS is a non-credential focused organization, and that includes specific years of experience. We’re looking for the the best person for the role — for people who are committed to doing the work to improve public services for people and businesses in Ontario.

How many interviews will I have to do?

Once you’ve been shortlisted, you’ll have a phone call, an interview, and a meet-and-greet with the team before a final decision is made. You can find out more about the process (check out steps 2, 3, and 5) on the job postings page.

Is there some kind of assignment?

Yes. We know that everyone shines in different lights, and we want to make sure that the opportunity is provided. You can find out more about the process (check out step 3) on the job postings page.

Do you have incumbents for all of these?

Not at all. The ODS is growing, and we are looking for the best and brightest to come and join our talented group.

How long does the hiring process take?

We will be looking to complete interviews in January, and on-board people onto the team shortly after that.

How is this different from the government that I know?

Governments around the world are changing to meet the new ways of working that are emerging. Here at the ODS, we’re consciously trying to break down barriers through our structure of cross-functional teams, and large amounts of team autonomy. You can learn more about what makes us different on the blog.

More questions?

If you have more questions, we’re hosting an open “ask me anything” session with Chief Digital Officer Hillary Hartley and Talent Lead Kirstin Rydahl on Friday, January 5, 2018 at 11am. You can join in by accessing the Zoom link at that time.

If you can’t make it then, you can always get in touch with anyone on the team; we’re happy to answer any questions you may have, any time.

