Sameer Vasta
Ontario Digital Service
2 min readJul 25, 2016


Comment and Response Guidelines

The Ontario Digital blog welcomes thoughtful comments and questions in the form of responses on each post.

When posting a response, please observe a few simple guidelines:

Do not mislead us or anyone else as to your identity or the origin of the submitted content, or falsely claim to represent a person, organization or entity.

Do not post or transmit any message, content or link to content that:

  • you either do not own or do not have the necessary rights to post or transmit
  • is in violation of any law, rule or regulation or any third party right, or promotes illegal activity or conduct that would contravene any law, rule or regulation or third party right
  • is abusive, hateful, homophobic, discriminatory, malicious, aggressive, threatening, violent, sexist, harassing, inflammatory, indecent, tortious, defamatory, knowingly false, misleading, deceptive, vulgar, obscene, offensive, scandalous, sexually explicit, profane, offensive or otherwise objectionable
  • incites hatred, racism, bigotry or physical harm of any kind
  • is unsolicited or unauthorized, such as unsolicited or unauthorized advertising, promotional material, “junk mail,” “spam,” “chain letter,” “pyramid scheme,” or any other form of solicitation (commercial or otherwise)
  • is in breach of any confidence
  • includes personal data or information about others
  • can result in us being liable to anyone else under any intellectual property rights law

While we welcome your feedback and thoughts, responses that do not observe the guidelines will be hidden and unlinked from the original post.

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