Keeping Pace: Cyber Security in Ontario’s Public Sector

Julia Le
Ontario Digital Service
3 min readSep 25, 2020
Graphic which reads Keeping Pace in blue lettering followed by details of the event and stick figures on the Ontario Trillium
Keeping Pace: Cyber Security in Ontario’s Public Sector conference banner photo

Editor’s Note: The Ontario government’s first ever cyber security conference will be held virtually on October 1st, marking the start of Cyber Security Awareness Month! We’ve asked Julia Le, Cyber Security Centre of Excellence’s Senior Manager, to share a few words on what’s in store for their exciting free engagement!

In these times, and as more people use online options, awareness about cyber security issues is more important than ever. The Cyber Security Centre of Excellence at the Ontario government is very excited about hosting our first-ever cyber security conference, Keeping Pace: Cyber Security in Ontario’s Public Sector. Our goal is to engage members of the broader public sector to strike up conversations on how we can achieve more cyber-secure environments.

This virtual conference will explore current and future cyber risks to Ontario’s broader public sector, and is an opportunity for our partners to identify issues and approaches together. You’ll have the chance to attend workshops, panel discussions and keynote addresses with cyber experts, discuss how to implement best practices and build stronger cyber security profiles that protect vital information and systems.

Message from the Minister

“Current events have made clearer than ever the need to make government services more resilient, nimble, and accessible. Through the Ontario Government, the Ontario Digital Service is spearheading this work in our province.

We remain committed to building a digital, data-driven government that respects transparency, protects the privacy of individuals, and is secure against cyber risks and attack.

I’m excited that the Cyber Security Centre of excellence is hosting this discussion and look forward to the important conversations that occur.”

Peter Bethlenfalvy, President of the Treasury Board and Minister responsible for the Ontario Digital Service

Here are the details:

Date: October 1, 2020
Time: 9:00 a.m. — 3:30 p.m.
Location: Virtual — those who register will be invited to the virtual conference lobby before the event, where they can network with fellow attendees, register for workshops, and learn how to engage with our speakers.
Registration: Visit the conference site to register now!

About the Cyber Security Centre of Excellence

Ontario established the Cyber Security Centre of Excellence to help address the cyber security challenges faced by the broader public sector.

The Cyber Security Centre of Excellence helps ministries and broader public sector service delivery partners with cyber security challenges. We provide advice, guidance, information and services to strengthen digital resilience and improve Ontario’s cyber security. Meeting the digital service delivery expectations of Ontarians means that information is kept safe and secure.

Who should attend?

This conference is geared towards senior IT executives, security professionals and change management leaders working in public sector organizations.

Our keynote speakers and panel discussions will provide valuable insights on how to manage cyber risks during remote work, steps to take as an organization who has been attacked, understanding and addressing ransomware threats, and more.

Attendees will also have the chance to join workshops targeted to specific cyber security focuses such as municipalities, social services, healthcare data, remote education, and strategies for small and large organizations.

See the full lineup of speakers and workshops here.

Join us!

If you are part of the public service or a broader public sector organization in Ontario, and are interested in getting or sharing advice and guidance on cyber security, we welcome you to join us on October 1st.

You can register for Keeping Pace: Cyber Security in Ontario’s Public Sector here. We also encourage you to visit the conference site to view the agenda and learn more about the conference, and reach out to us with any questions at

You can also spread the word on social media through our Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn accounts.

See you there!

