Are you milking your chatbot’s full potential yet? [Mascot design]

Quan Tran Minh
Published in
5 min readApr 7, 2021

World’s economy has been affected by the pandemic, making most industries shift their focus onto online platforms. This has become a very crucial first touchpoint to many businesses.

We can see companies getting benefitted from including a chatbot into their systems and the most visible examples of their industries are:

  • E-Commerce

Customers always have a lot of questions before making a purchase, and shop owners don’t want to keep them waiting. Chatbots aims to be the solution by providing instant response and reducing workload of the customer care team as they can work 24/7 without day-off.

  • Med-tech

Chatbot can take the burden off of the doctors and make hospitals navigating easier for the patients, for example, a simple task of scheduling appointments. What would usually involve forms, misinformation and manual entry into the computers by the staff, can easily be automated with a chatbot. Besides, it can help enquiring patients’ symptoms, providing health-related information and recording medical history. It creates a pleasant & calming experience for both patients and their family members, while saving thousands of working hours a year for the hospitals.

  • B2B

The average cost of missing a B2B lead is far higher than its B2C alternative, so you don’t want your potential customers simply slip through your website. Using a chatbot you can talk to as well as generate, and qualify your leads 24/7, regardless of where they are.

Reasons why you should get a chatbot ASAP

Chatbot help you grow in users base & in revenue 💲💲💲

Chatbot serves as a simple and long-term solution that brings high efficiency. Let’s take a look at the benefits of having a virtual assistant:

  • 24/7 service

68% of customers will turn to your competitors if they think you are not interested in them. Whereas, bots are available to engage customers with their instant answers to the common questions they ask. The top potential benefit of using chatbots is 24-hour customer service and a significant growth in revenue that follows.

  • Reduce customer waiting time

According to the Chatbot Report, 21% of consumers consider chatbots the easiest way to contact a business. Chatbots are a smarter way to make sure that customers get the immediate response they’re looking for without keeping them waiting too long.

  • Attract better customers

Chat bots can engage customers by initiating proactive conversations and offering personalized recommendations to enhance the customer experience.

  • Large scale information management made easy with bots

Bots can easily manage hundreds of conversations during the peak business hours and/or manage the number of customer chats without the need for additional customer service cost.

  • Save on customer service cost

Juniper Research estimates that chatbots will save businesses more than $ 8 billion per year by 2022. Chatbots help businesses save customer service cost by not having to hire additional support agents — meaning salaries, training and infrastructure expenses.

  • Sales funnel automation

You can automate your sales channel with chatbots to pre-recruit potential customers and direct them to the right group to continue providing them with suitable solutions. Being able to attract customers instantly increases the number of leads and conversion rate.

With all of benefits above, it’s fair to say start-ups shouldn’t pay only small attention to their chatbot. It’s the very first touchpoint in online experience, it’s the one represent your business to talk to customers. Therefore it should be created with more human-centric approach.

Reason why you should level up your chatbot experience with a Mascot

1. Make your technology more approachable and friendly

There are a lot of people that aren’t tech savvy or they are even scared of technology and its impact on their future. That is why it’s so crucial for all the information, about your startup, to be crystal clear to them — however complex your solution is.

This can be achieved by a combination of a good copywriting combined with a friendly approach. Mascot is perfect for that! It can help users and investors to get more comfortable with difficult terminology and get excited about your solutions.

Moreover, some people may be hesitant to use your chatbot in the first place due to the previously mentioned fear. A friendly approach with a suitable mascot can do wonders in building a communication bridge between you and your future users and customers :)

2. Make your start-up stand out among the competitors

Due to a phenomenon called pareidolia, human brains tend to recognize faces even in non-human objects — they always grab our attention whether we realize it or not. That goes to show, that you can use human nature for your startup’s advantage and place a mascot wherever you want people’s attention to go to and where you want to guide user’s eyes towards — f.ex. certain elements of information or a “buy” button.

With the technology booming, there might be lots of companies trying to do the same thing as you do and compete with your startup. We won’t let them do that! 😉 We are here to help you figure out a suitable chatbot solution for your startup as well as a friendly representation in a mascot form for an existing chatbot you already have!

Curious about how we can do that of you? We will come back with another article on our character design process, so stay tuned!

In the meantime, take a look at our previous designs & if you are ready to talk — shoot us an email via or DM our IG account:

