What are Domain Services in Crypto Wallets?

In this article, you’ll learn about what domain services in crypto wallets are and their pros and cons.

The ONTO Team
ONTO Wallet
6 min readJun 9, 2023



In the world of cryptocurrency, domain services are a relatively new concept. They allow users to register a human-readable domain name that points to their cryptocurrency wallet address. This makes it much easier to send and receive cryptocurrency, as well as access decentralized applications (dApps).

Domain services are based on the same technology that powers blockchains, such as Ethereum. This means that they are decentralized and secure. Once you register a domain name, it is yours to own and control forever. No one can take it away from you.

There are several different domain service providers available. Some of the most popular include Unstoppable Domains, Ethereum Name Service (ENS), FIO, SpaceID, and Avvy Domains. Each provider has its own unique features. We will introduce these different domain service providers in detail later.

Domain services are a powerful new tool that can make it easier to use cryptocurrency. They are also a secure and decentralized way to register and own domain names. To better understand why domain services are needed, let's first look at their history.

History of Domain Services

The concept of domain services has been around for many years. However, it was only with the advent of blockchain technology that domain services became a practical reality.

Blockchain technology provides a secure and decentralized way to store data. This makes it possible to register and own domain names in a way resistant to censorship and fraud.

The first domain service provider, Ethereum Name Service (ENS), was launched in 2016. ENS allows users to register domain names that end in .eth.

Since the launch of ENS, many other domain service providers have emerged. These providers offer a variety of features and pricing plans.

How Domain Services Work

Domain services work by storing domain name information on a blockchain. This information includes the domain name, the corresponding cryptocurrency address, and the domain name’s owner.

To use a domain service, you will need to create a wallet that supports domain names. Once you have done this, you can purchase a domain name from a provider. Once you have purchased a domain name, you can add it to your wallet.

When a user sends cryptocurrency to a domain name, the wallet will resolve the domain name to the corresponding cryptocurrency address. This process is done by checking the blockchain for domain name information. This means you can send cryptocurrency to someone simply by using their domain name.

Differences Between Web3 Domains and Traditional Domains

Web3 domains are different from traditional domains in some ways.

First, Web3 domains are stored on a blockchain. This makes them more secure and resistant to censorship, whereas traditional domain services are stored on centralized servers, which makes them vulnerable to censorship. Just think of the domain names that are blocked by some governments.

Second, Web3 domains can be used to access decentralized applications (dApps). You can use your Web3 domain to log in to dApps, send cryptocurrency, and more. Traditional domain services are primarily used to access websites.

Moreover, Web3 domain services are more secure: Web3 domain services use cryptography to secure the ownership of domain names. Traditional domain services use a username and password system, which can be vulnerable to hacking.

Finally, Web3 domain services are more private. Web3 domain services do not require users to reveal their personal information. Traditional domain services require users to provide their name, email address, and other personal information. Web3 domains are also owned by the user. You can transfer your Web3 domain to another user or sell it.

Benefits of Domain Services in a Crypto Wallet

Domain services offer a number of benefits for crypto wallets. These benefits include:

  • Improved user experience: Human-readable domain names are much easier to remember than long, complex cryptocurrency addresses. This makes it easier for users to send and receive cryptocurrency.
  • Increased security: Domain services can help reduce the risk of human error when typing in the wrong cryptocurrency address. This is because users can simply type in the domain name, and the wallet will automatically resolve it to the corresponding address.
  • Increased privacy: Users can create unique domain names that are not tied to their identity. This can help protect their privacy when using cryptocurrency.

In addition to these benefits, domain services can also be used to:

  • Access decentralized applications (dApps): Many dApps require users to have a domain name to access them. By registering a domain name, users can easily access these dApps, enjoying a better Web3 experience.
  • Create custom landing pages: Users can create custom landing pages for their domain names. These landing pages can promote their cryptocurrency projects, provide information about their services, or simply showcase their creativity.

Examples of Domain Services in ONTO Wallet

ONTO Wallet is one of the first crypto wallets to support Web3 domain services. Currently, there are several different domain services available in the wallet, including:

  • ENS (Ethereum Name Service): ENS is the most popular domain service for Ethereum. It allows users to register domain names that end in .eth.
  • SpaceID: SpaceID is building a universal domain name service network with a one-stop identity platform to discover, register, trade, and manage Web3 domains. A SID is your universal identifier to coexist across various blockchains and dApps.
  • Unstoppable Domains: Unstoppable Domains is a domain service that supports a variety of blockchains, including Ethereum, Bitcoin, and EOS. It allows users to register domain names that end in a variety of extensions, including .crypto, .nft, and .x.
  • FIO Protocol: FIO is a domain service that makes crypto easy by replacing all of your public wallet addresses with a single, secure, customizable crypto handle, which can be used to send, receive, or request any type of crypto as easily as sending an email.
  • Avvy Domains: Avvy is a domain naming service designed to support the Avalanche ecosystem and its various subnets. It allows users to register domain names that end in .avax.

ONTO Wallet integrates domain services into its existing interfaces in several ways. For example, users can send and receive cryptocurrency using domain names instead of traditional cryptocurrency addresses. Users can also create custom landing pages for their domain names.

Potential Drawbacks of Domain Services in a Crypto Wallet

While domain services offer a number of benefits, there are also some potential drawbacks that users should be aware of. These drawbacks include:

  • Increased reliance on third-party services: Domain services are provided by third-party companies. This means that users must trust these companies with their private keys. If a domain service provider is hacked, users could lose their cryptocurrency.
  • Potential for domain name squatting: Domain name squatting is the practice of registering domain names that are similar to the names of popular brands or businesses. This can be done in order to profit from unsuspecting users who mistype the domain name or to simply prevent the brand or business from using the domain name.

Overall, domain services offer a number of benefits for crypto wallets. However, there are also some potential drawbacks that users should be aware of. If you are considering using domain services, it is important to weigh the benefits and risks carefully.

Here are some additional things to keep in mind when using domain services:

  • Choose a reputable domain service provider: There are a number of different domain service providers available. It is important to choose a reputable provider that has a good track record of security and reliability.
  • Keep your private keys safe: When using a domain service, you will need to keep your private keys safe. This means storing them in a secure location and not sharing them with anyone.
  • Be careful when typing in domain names: When sending or receiving cryptocurrency, be careful when typing in the domain name. Make sure to double-check the domain name before sending any funds.

By following these tips, you can help protect yourself when using domain services.

That’s all for this week. After reading this article, we hope you now have a better idea of what domain services in crypto wallets are and what their benefits and drawbacks are.

About ONTO Wallet

ONTO is a DID-based gateway for a seamless Web3 experience. The best all-in-one option for securely managing your identities, data, and digital assets, ONTO allows you to manage your crypto assets (including NFTs), perform cross-chain swaps, readily access a variety of dApps, and learn everything important in real time via ONTO news feed.

With ONTO Wallet, users can create an ONT ID, a decentralized digital identity that enables one-click multi-chain wallet address creation and management and fully protects their private data through an encryption algorithm. Users worldwide can download ONTO Wallet now via onto.app or their mobile app store. Desktop users can also install ONTO Web Wallet for web browsers.

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