Time to put an end to BERTology (or, ML/DL is not even relevant to NLU)

Walid Saba, PhD
Published in
12 min readOct 18, 2020



There are 3 technical (read: theoretical, scientific) reasons why the data-driven/quantitative/statistical/machine learning approaches (that I will collectively refer to as BERTology) are utterly hopeless and futile efforts, at least when it comes to language understanding. This is a big claim, I understand, especially given the current trend, the misguided media hype, and the massive amount of money the tech giants are spending on this utterly flawed paradigm. As I have repeated this claim in my publications, in seminars and posts, I have often been told “but could all of those people be wrong?” Well, for now I will simply reply with “yes, they could indeed all be wrong”. I say that armed with the wisdom of the great mathematician/logician Bertrand Russell who once said

The fact that an opinion has been widely held is no evidence whatsoever that it is not utterly absurd

Before we begin, however, it is important to emphasize that our discussion is directed to the use of BERTology in NLU, and the ‘U’ here is crucial — that is, and as will become obvious below, BERTology might be useful in some NLP tasks (such as text summarization, search, extraction of key phrases, text similarity and/or clustering, etc.) because these tasks are all some form of…

