Danish Blockchain Delegation Visits Ontology

The Ontology Team
Published in
2 min readNov 15, 2018

On November 14th, 2018, Ontology welcomed a Danish blockchain delegation for a discussion about technology, standards, and China/EU regulations. The delegation trip was organized by Innovation Centre Denmark in Shanghai and the Office of Denmark’s Tech Ambassador. Attendees included leading blockchain experts and three key people from ISO/TC 307 (blockchain and distributed ledger technologies) working groups: Roman Beck, LI Jun, and Andy Ji.

Among other things, the discussion centered around network governance, consensus, performance, scalability, and decentralization vs centralization — all for the purpose of exploring how to accommodate real business requirements and bridge national economies with blockchain ecosystems.

Discussed in the meeting was that China has filed the most blockchain-related patents to date, followed by America — these countries are full speed ahead on implementation as well. While Europe with its strong regulatory body often takes a more pragmatic approach based on regulations followed by implementation of new technologies, the delegation demonstrated how for example Denmark fosters blockchain talent, new projects, and works proactively with the technology for digital identity management in the public sector. One concrete example from the delegation is how Denmark is migrating their legacy systems for public services to digital identity solutions (NemID to MitID) and is exploring how to replace the infrastructure with blockchain technology.

Finally, the delegation and Ontology discussed areas of collaboration which included research from digital identity management, zero-knowledge proof, and smart contract standards for cross-border blockchain ecosystem interaction.


