Embark on the Ontonauts Odyssey

Unite, Innovate, and Propel Ontology Forward

The Ontology Team
4 min readApr 24, 2024


Hello, Ontonauts!

We’re excited to share something cool with you — the Ontonauts Odyssey! This is a bunch of quests we’ve put together for our community. It’s all about getting involved, coming up with new ideas, and helping Ontology grow.

What is the Ontonauts Odyssey?

Think of the Ontonauts Odyssey as a series of fun tasks. Each one is designed to get you active, give you rewards, and make you feel more a part of the Ontology community. By taking part, you’re helping make Ontology even better.

What’s Waiting for You?

Starting with sharing our message on social media, inviting friends to join us, and moving on to coming up with new ideas, and finding partners for Ontology, every task you complete helps us all move forward. Here’s a quick look at what you can do:

First Task: Share our news on your social media.

Second Task: Bring new friends into our community.

Tasks Three to Seven: From coming up with new ideas to finding partners and expanding our network, each step you take helps us grow.

Why Should You Join?

By joining in, you’re not just helping us; you’re making Ontology better and stronger. We’ve got rewards to thank you for your hard work and ideas. This is your chance to make a difference in our community and the wider world of the web.

We’d Love to Hear from You!

Your thoughts and feedback are important to us. They help us make things better for everyone. You can send us your ideas and suggestions through a form, email, or on our community forums. Together, we can make this experience great for everyone.

Ready to Start?

If you’re ready to get going, here’s what you need to do:

Ontonauts Odyssey #1: Social Media Shoutout


  • What to Do: Like and retweet our big news tweet.
  • Why It Matters: Your support spreads the word and brings more attention to our cause.


  • 🏆 Gain: 500 XP for taking action.


  • How It Works: No need to send anything in. This quest finishes by itself once you do the task!

Ontonauts Odyssey #2: Grow Our Crew


  • What to Do: Bring three friends (or more!) into our Zealy community. They’ve got to finish a quest too, for it to count.
  • Why It Matters: More friends mean more fun and more ideas. Let’s grow together.


  • How to Do It: Head to your profile and click “invite friends.” Send your link to friends so they can join us on Zealy and start their own quest journey.
  • Tracking: You can see how many friends have joined thanks to you in your profile.


  • How It Works: This quest checks itself off when you get a friend to complete their first quest.


  • 🏆 Gain: 300 XP for each friend who joins and completes a quest.

Ontonauts Odyssey #3: Genius Ideas Wanted


  • What to Do: Got a brilliant idea for making Ontology even better? We want to hear it. No common ideas, please. We’re looking for Einstein-level thoughts!


  • Criteria: It should be unique, doable, and not too expensive. Also, it shouldn’t be something we’re already working on or that someone else has suggested.


  • How to Share: Send in your idea, and our team will take a look.


🏆 Gain: 300 XP for each idea that meets our criteria.


  • Must be at least level 4 and have completed Odyssey #2.

Ontonauts Odyssey #4: Share Your Story


  • What to Do: Write about your experience with Ontology and your hopes for Web3.
  • Why It Matters: Your stories inspire us and others. Let’s share our visions.


  • How to Share: Make sure to tag @OntologyNetwork and use #ontonauts in your tweets.


  • How to Share: Just link us to your thread.


  • 🏆 Gain: 300 XP for sharing your story.


  • Finish Ontonauts Odyssey #3 first.

Ontonauts Odyssey #5: Create Connections


  • What to Do: Get us featured in newsletters, blogs, podcasts, events, AMAs, or social groups. Aim for quality audiences.


  • Focus: Quality means engaged and real followers. The collaboration could be an article, a mention, or another cool idea you have!


  • How to Share: Put proof and details in a public Google Drive folder.


  • 🏆 Gain: 300 XP for successful collaborations.

Ontonauts Odyssey #6: Get Us Listed


  • What to Do: Add our project to a Web3 listing website.


  • Details: Most information is on ont.io. Ask the team if you need more.


  • How to Share: Only submit the listing you’ve made. Double-check to avoid mistakes.

Ontonauts Odyssey #7: Bring New Partners


  • What to Do: Introduce a new partner to Ontology from your contacts.


  • Who to Look For: Anyone interested in working with us, like another protocol or media partner.


  • How to Share: Use a public Google Docs link to share the contact’s name, email, and any useful info.


  • 🏆 Gain: 500 XP for each new partner introduced.

Your involvement makes all the difference. Each quest you complete brings new energy and ideas into our community. Let’s make Ontology stronger, together!

