How You Can Win $20,000 Worth of Rewards at Ontology’s Global University Workshop

The Ontology Team
Published in
4 min readOct 18, 2019

Global University Workshop

  • This is an opportunity to start your blockchain journey. You will gain valuable knowledge, such as a strong foundation in blockchain, after attending the workshop.
  • You can get a “Seed Developer” certificate which can be claimed on Ontology blockchain. Your name will be written on the blocks and will never be erased. This certificate will also be an endorsement of your skills that will be recognized by Ontology ecosystem partners.
  • You will be eligible to join our Klein Bottle Challenge. Winners will get up to $20,000 worth of ONG in rewards and full-scale support from technical aspects to marketing and community from Ontology.

Klein Bottle Challenge

In 1882, mathematician Felix Klein proposed a self-enclosed model with no clear boundaries called the Klein bottle. If the Klein bottle is likened to a real bottle, it is a bottle that will never be filled. The inside of the bottle is also its outside. Its surface is endless, similar to the universe.

The purpose of the Klein Bottle Challenge is to encourage students who are interested in blockchain technology to apply their knowledge to practical applications. During the process, Ontology will provide full-scale support from finance to incubation to help you bring your ideas to life on our platform.

Just like a Klein Bottle, we don’t set limits to what you can do but, instead, encourage your creativity. We welcome all kinds of projects and applications on Ontology network, regardless of type or complexity. To reward your contribution, we are offering a bounty of up to $20,000 worth of ONG which is available to each university. Furthermore, you are able to join the program as an individual or as a team. Whether you’re new to blockchain or an experienced developer, we hope you can push the limit and accept the challenge.

Take a look below to find out more about the rewards available:

Nova Rewards

Up to $20,000 worth of ONG as a reward if your project qualifies to go live on Ontology MainNet. You will also get the chance to win Comet Rewards and Satellite Rewards to closely collaborate with Ontology to help you enhance your technical capability and marketing resources.
1. At least one team member attended the Global University Workshop
2. Submit your project within 3 weeks of the workshop you attended
Timeline (for Seoul National University):
dApp submission deadline: 11:59 pm Nov. 9th, 2019 (UTC+9)
- Evaluation period: Nov. 10th — 24th 2019
- Result announcement: Nov. 27th, 2019 - We will announce the qualified dApps on Twitter and our website and facilitate the transfer of your application from TestNet to MainNet.
*Note: the individual timeline for other universities will be announced at each workshop

Comet Rewards

Incubation Support: projects with good market performance will enjoy full-scale incubation support from Ontology. We’d like to provide long-term support, including technical support as well as marketing and global community support, to help teams with a desire to contribute to blockchain development.
1. Your project shows stable technical performance on Ontology MainNet
2. Your project gains a strong following of active users

Satellite Rewards

Incubation Support + Additional Investment: projects with outstanding market performance will be offered investment from Ontology. You will be a core part of the Ontology ecosystem.
1. Your project shows stable technical performance on Ontology MainNet
2. Your project gains a strong following of active users for a period of more than two consecutive months

Please note: Comet Rewards and Satellite Rewards are intended as long-term programs and are not bound to a specific timeline. As a result, we encourage you to manage your project according to its needs. We feel it is more significant that you learn by doing. If you need any support, we’d like to help.

Project Evaluation

Due to differences in market segment, target audience, and technical framework, we will evaluate each project on an individual basis. As a result, there will not be a uniform standard set for all candidates and their projects. However, as a general guide, the evaluation of all projects is conducted by Ontology Research Institute and will consider the following factors:

  • Execution: How well was the project executed and explained? Beyond design, was end-to-end user experience for the solution considered? The more complete and usable, the higher the mark your project will receive.
  • Creativity: How original, creative or unique is the idea? We are expecting applications that perform exceptionally in the market based on Ontology’s blockchain framework. Please note that gambling projects are not eligible for this bounty program. Also, plagiarism is not accepted.
  • Sustainability: How scalable is the solution? Is your business model sustainable? Does it have the potential to gain a market in the future? Does it have a healthy user lifecycle?
  • Integration: How well is your project integrated with Ontology’s ecosystem? Please note that if you have attended the course, it may provide you with insight and inspiration regarding the application that you developed.
  • Popularity: Does your project appeal to or have the potential to appeal to more fans? Are there active users every day/week/month?

Submitting your project

Fill in the submission form below:

Before you start

To find out everything you need to know before you start, please check:
1. Punica Suite — The Ontology Blockchain dApp development framework:
2. SmartX — One-stop Ontology smart contract IDE:
If you need TestNet ONT&ONG, please apply here:

To keep up with the latest news, please subscribe to our Facebook page here: Ontology Global University Workshop

If you have further questions, please contact us via

