Meet the Team: Head of Social Media, Christina Lu

The Ontology Team
Published in
3 min readMay 18, 2023

What’s your name and where are you from?

My name is Christina Lu and I joined Ontology in June 2018, shortly before Ontology’s mainnet launch.

Tell us a bit about yourself. What did you study? What are your hobbies?

I have a Masters degree in Conference Interpreting and Translation Studies from the University of Leeds. I felt that this degree was the right fit for me as I’m multilingual, a fast learner, and adaptable. In the same vein, traveling and exploring new places is one of my favorite things to do as I like to experience different cultures and see what various cities have to offer.

What kind of work do you do on a day-to-day basis?

I am Ontology’s Head of Social Media. In this role, my main duties include: developing social media and marketing strategies to drive engagement and increase followers; creating content and campaigns; analyzing social listening and monitoring data; and conducting internal and external communications, including but not limited to media, KOLs, partners, exchanges, and event organizers.

In your opinion, what makes Ontology stand out from other blockchains?

What makes Ontology stand out from other blockchains is the fact that it has remained focused on Decentralized Identities (DID) and building the infrastructure and tools for Web3 for the past five years. We employ an exceptional tech team and a devoted marketing and business development team, who are dedicated to our overall vision.

What is the most exciting part of the project you’re working on for Ontology?

Ontology offers individuals new opportunities, bringing awareness to DID and giving users back control in order to manage their own personal data and online identities.

What has been the most important moment in your career so far?

While I have reached many notable milestones throughout my time at Ontology, the most prominent is building our global community from 3 languages to over 30+ languages worldwide. Additionally, the creation of the Harbinger program is an important moment in my career to date. Essentially, it is a network of passionate blockchain and Web3 lovers and contributors. Launched in 2020, it has played a major part in helping us build a strong global community presence.

What are you most excited for in your future at Ontology?

I’m most excited for more applications for DID and users owning and having complete control over their own data and identities.

As we mark Ontology’s five-year anniversary, where do you see Ontology and Web3 going in the next five years?

In the future, I anticipate that Ontology will be leading Web3 when it comes to DID. For Web3 more generally, I expect to see mass adoption of Web3 technologies. Just like we witnessed with Web2 and the rapid growth of smartphones and social media, individuals will realize that it’s essential to adopt this technology and understand what it can offer.

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