Meet the Team: Ontology Harbinger, Hamzat

The Ontology Team
Published in
3 min readMay 11, 2023

What’s your name and where are you from?

My name is Hamzat and I am an Ontology harbinger.

Tell us a bit about yourself. What did you study? What are your hobbies?

I am a quiet and simple person in general. However, I get things done quickly when something piques my interest. My strength is my ability to work really well within a team. I like to have an impact on the success of my team, therefore, I work hard and contribute many of my own ideas.

I completed a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering before starting my career. My hobbies include reading, traveling, and going on adventures. If I could have a superpower, it would be to be positioned whereby I can do things that make me happy and support humanity each and every day without having to worry about financial implications.

What kind of work do you do on a day-to-day basis?

I joined Ontology as a harbinger in 2017 to help others to understand and contribute to the company’s vision and mission. My role is to provide support for Ontology’s English-speaking community members. This involves providing members with information on the Ontology project or assisting them with any questions they might have. I also run a procurement company (BitKong General Merchandise) aside from volunteering with Ontology.

In your opinion, what makes Ontology stand out from other blockchains?

Ontology has been well-funded from the start and devoid of any crypto drama. As a project, it places huge value on its community and acts on any community feedback related to the Ontology product offering. Ontology is wholly dedicated to building the most impactful thing for the crypto space — a framework for Decentralized Identity Management, and this is something that sets it apart as a Web3 project.

What is the most exciting part of the project you’re working on for Ontology?

Although I don’t have an active part in developing the Ontology project, I enjoy supporting the success of the project through my role. I contribute to building a community with a rich knowledge of the Ontology project, disseminating any information, and offering support to users.

What has been the most important moment in your career so far?

I am very grateful for the time spent working with Ontology. While it has been a tough journey, it has sharpened my perception as an individual. Also, being able to provide support to other people, irrespective of their background, and being recognized for my efforts frequently, is very fulfilling for me.

What are you most excited about in your future at Ontology?

I am most excited about being able to contribute to the growth of the Ontology community and provide much-needed support to the ever-growing network of Ontology members. I have seen how Ontology has succeeded in recent years as a decentralized identity provider and how the project has grown steadily, so I am very excited to see how it expands.

As we mark Ontology’s five-year anniversary, where do you see Ontology and Web3 going in the next five years?

I expect Ontology to be very successful in the next five years and to become a dominant force to contend with in the industry. I think it will outpace its competitors with its data privacy protection products and decentralized identity management tools, and thus, become a widely adopted Web3 project with a high price appreciation for its native token.

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