Meet the Team: Ontology’s Community Manager for India, Dixit

The Ontology Team
Published in
2 min readJan 26, 2023

What’s your name and where are you from?

My name is Dixit and I am from New Delhi, India.

Tell us a bit about yourself.

I am a blockchain enthusiast and also a web developer. Outside of tech and development, I also have a good experience working in marketing and communications.

What kind of work do you do on a day-to-day basis?

I am the community manager for Ontology, India and I joined in December 2021. I communicate with the Indian community members and provide them with updates in Hindi Language. I also manage the Ontology, India Twitter account. I find this is an interesting activity because it allows me to interact directly with Ontology’s close-knit Indian community.

In your opinion, what makes Ontology stand out from other blockchains?

I think the fact that Ontology has been growing continuously for 5 years now is what makes it stand out from other blockchains. This shows that the team is focused on continuous innovation and is here for the long term, which is particularly important during challenging market conditions such as those we’re currently facing.

What is the most exciting part of the project you’re working on for Ontology?

I’m really impressed by the ONT and ONG token models. Both models have separate functionalities but they still work together in harmony. The low gas fees and flexible API also attract users — so I see huge value in those elements of Ontology too.

What has been the most important moment in your career so far?

The most important moment for my career so far was taking the time to really understand Ethereum in 2016. Despite being involved in Bitcoin since 2014, my ideas in the space were limited to scalability infrastructure or payment systems for Bitcoin. After truly understanding how smart contracts worked, however, my mind was opened to all the possibilities of financial and non-financial systems that could be fully run on a blockchain.

What are you most excited for in your future at Ontology?

Coming into the cryptocurrency world was the best move I made and worked for. The past few years have been life changing for me, thanks to blockchain.

