MovieBloc Service Preview 3

The Ontology Team
Published in
2 min readAug 23, 2019

This article is reposted from the MovieBloc official Medium account and has been slightly edited.

With the launch of MovieBloc Beta Service approaching soon, the MovieBloc team would like to give a sneak peek of what they have been working on to the viewers who have been eagerly anticipating and cheering this project on. With that being said, the team has prepared “MovieBloc Service Preview 3”!

Service Preview 1 includes the overview of Beta Service and preview 2 includes wallet function. Preview 3 will talk about ‘Individual theater” in MovieBloc Service.

Individual Theater

Once the official version of “Individual Theater” is launched, users will personally be able to curate movies. Through this service, users themselves can be curators by creating their own page and actively promoting movies based on their personal tastes or profit advantages on their personal page. Curators can select their own URL (e.g. and promote it on their SNS. Viewers that enter the service through this link will be reimbursed from the money they already transacted.

Although there are no particular license or conditions needed to be a curator, curators that bridge promising and good movies to their appropriate audience will be considered more credible.

MovieBloc will launch the Beta Service on August 26th, stay tuned!

Find out more about MovieBloc here.

