Ontology 4th MainNet Anniversary Carnival

Event 3: Your OWN Stake

The Ontology Team
2 min readJul 11, 2022


We hope you have enjoyed our anniversary celebrations so far, and we’re excited to welcome you to our 3rd Ontology Carnival event. In this event, you can win ONG rewards, simply for increasing your ONT stake, or by having your OWN node increase its overall stake!


1) Stake ONT during consensus round 186. Rankings are based on the total increase of staked ONT at the end of consensus round 186.

2) The ONT must remain staked for the entirety of consensus round 187, but you can unstake from the node during consensus round 188. Should you unstake during round 187, you will not be eligible for rewards.

3) Participants are required to sign up for this event to be eligible for rewards.

Individual stakers can choose one of the following ways to sign up:
- Submit ONT ID or Ontology address via this Google Form: https://forms.gle/6Hfs9boyVZCyY14F8
- Or send 0.0001 ONG to this Ontology address: ATxm5C19B8dHw7wXhAfcVNLuzzr41ntu5y

Node owners can sign up by sending an email to node_contact@ont.io from the email address submitted on “Node info” page under the “Node Stake Management” tab in OWallet.


1) Individual Stakers: Total 2,000 ONG

1st: 100 ONG

Top 2–3: 70 ONG

Top 4–6: 50 ONG

Top 7–9: 30 ONG

Top 10–20: 20 ONG

Top 21–100: 10 ONG

Top 101–200: 5 ONG

2) Node: Total 1,000 ONG

1st: 500 ONG

2nd: 300 ONG

3rd: 200 ONG

3) All participants will receive the STAKER NFT

