Ontology 4th MainNet Anniversary Carnival

Event 4: A Bridge to the EVM

The Ontology Team
3 min readJul 13, 2022


We have now arrived at our 4th Ontology Carnival event, and we thought it was time we got some of our friends and partners involved. Welcome Celer Network, Unifi Protocol and Wing Finance to the party. In this event, not only can you win a share of 3,000 ONG, but also $1,000 of CELR, $10,000 of UP and $1,000 of WING tokens.

Event Details


13th July 09:00 to 20th July 09:00 (UTC)


Ontology will provide 3,000 ONG rewards for participants.

The first 250 participants who complete at least 2 of the following tasks will each win 10 ONG.

- Use cBridge to bridge assets from other chains to Ontology EVM (a single transaction >= $30)

- Swap and/or Provide liquidity on uTrade Ontology EVM version (cumulative amount >= $30). Users can find the Unifi app via the discovery tab in ONTO Wallet.

- Supply and/or Insure in Wing Flash Pool (Ontology EVM) until the end of the event (cumulative amount ≥ $30)

From the participants that complete all the 3 tasks, 3 winners will be randomly selected and win:

1st Prize: 300 ONG

2nd Prize: 100 ONG

3rd Prize: 100 ONG

All participants will receive the EVMER NFT.

Celer Network will provide $1,000 of CELR rewards for participants.

Rules: Use cBridge to bridge assets from other chains to Ontology EVM (a single transaction >= $30)

$1,000 CELR for 20 randomly selected users, $50 each.

Unifi Protocol will provide $10,000 of UP rewards for participants.

$10,000 UP for LP in pools: UP/ONG, UNFI/ONG, ONT/ONG

Users can deposit liquidity in any of the following 3 pairs and earn a share of the UP bonus rewards in proportion to their liquidity deposited, in addition to the regular UP earned from trading fees. A fixed amount of the UP bonus rewards are calculated each minute, and the distribution will account for all the time that LP has spent in that pool while the promotion is running. The ratios of the UP bonus distributed to the 3 pairs are:

UP/ONG: 50%


ONT/ONG: 20%

Wing Finance will provide $1,000 of WING rewards for participants.

Supply and/or Insure in Wing Flash Pool (Ontology EVM) until the end of the event (cumulative amount ≥ $30)

$1,000 WING for top 10 qualified users.

1st Place: $300 WING

2nd Place: $150 WING

3rd Place: $150 WING

4th Place: $100 WING

5th Place:$100 WING

6–10th Place: $40 WING

The total amount of Supply + Insure added by each user will be calculated by taking snapshots at a random time on July 20th.

